Click on the interactive map to view videos and multimedia material from ISSA members around the world – promoting social security and demonstrating its role in building resilient and inclusive societies.
These contributions have been submitted for the World Social Security Forum in Marrakech, Morocco, 24–28 October 2022.
About the Fund
National Pensions and Social Insurance Fund Sudan
Priorities for Social Security
These videos sum up the key messages from the ISSA reports Priorities for social security: Trends, challenges and solutions produced for the regional forums for Africa, the Americas, Asia and the Pacific, and Europe from 2021 to 2022.
Campaña sobre educación previsional
El contenido de estos videos muestran las diferentes estrategias, acciones y resultados del proyecto estratégico de fomento a la educación previsional ejecutado por la Superintendencia de Pensiones con miras a reducir el alto desconocimiento de la población dominicana sobre sus deberes y derechos en
E-Services CDG Prévoyance: Affiliés RCAR
Capsule didactiques expliquant étape par étape les modalités d'utilisation des E-services pour les affiliés du Régime Collectif d'Allocation de Retraite.
The Muhanna Foundation: ISSA Diploma training courses
The Muhanna Foundation is a training institution accredited by the ISSA and offers Diploma trainings in Arabic for staff working at ISSA member organizations. Check out the courses for the second semester this year on the ISSA website!
64 Aniversario
64 Aniversario
The film about Anna gives an insight into the life of a person with combined vision and hearing impairment (deafblindness). The film is part of the e-learning course "To interact with people with deafblindness".
Benefits provided by ESIC
The content is a profile of what ESIC does in terms of the medical benefit and the cash benefit provided to its Insured Persons.
Superintendencia de Riesgos del Trabajo 26 años
Video institucional sobre los 26 años de la Superintendencia de Riesgos del Trabajo
The Tree of Trust
Promotional video (French version), underscoring the importance of solidarity in Belgian social security. More information about this video can be found on
Casas de Día
Programa institucional llevada a cabo por la Dirección Normativa de Prestaciones Económicas, Sociales y Culturales del ISSSTE que tiene como propósito que las personas adultas mayores cuenten con un espacio en donde realicen actividades que fortalezcan su cuerpo, mente y autoestima de forma segura y
SPF Sécurité Sociale
SPF videos
COMWEL promotional video
Promotional video
What is Social Security? & My Social Security Self-Service Portal
Belizeans were interviewed to better understand the public view views on Social Security and to educate members of the benefits of social insurance coverage in Belize
Services to our citizens
Services to our citizens
Swedish pension system
Withdrawal Planner, ISSA Good Practice Award Europe 2022
Social Insurance for Sudanese working abroad
Social insurance for Sudanese working abroad is found important for them and their families, specially most of them are not covered in their countries of living and working
GOSI’s Participation at the WSSF2022
Videos that shows GOSI’s participation in a several occasions related to the promotion of social insurance in Saudi Arabia in several topics
The content illustrate how the social security has a high priority in Oman
Social Security: The Namibian Case
A short video on how the Namibian Social Security Commission plays a vital role in the provision of social protection benefits and services for the people of Namibia.
Post- und Long-COVID-Rehabilitation & #einlebenlang:…
- Viele Menschen haben nach einer COVID-Infektion noch lange mit den Folgen ihrer Erkrankung zu kämpfen. In den Reha-Kliniken der Deutschen Rentenversicherung Bund gibt es deshalb Rehabilitationsprogramme für Long- und Post-Covid-Patienten, die auf die jeweiligen Bedürfnisse der Patienten eingehen
Vision Zero Africa Conference 2023
The Workers Compensation Fund Control Board is a social security scheme established under Act No. 10 of 1999 of the Laws of Zambia to provide compensation to workers in the event of injuries, diseases and death resulting from occupational accidents and diseases. The Board also provides
Pension System
- The video shows how the pension system can build a secure future for the induvial who decided to create their own business and register themselves in the pension system
- The video explains how the DB pension systems work and how it can contribute in securing the future of the individuals
Promotion CNSS
Video de promotion de la CNSS
NAPSA Promotoional video
General introduction about NAPSA and what it is doing to secure the people of Zambia.
Testimonies and NHIMA Advert
The testimony video is a video that shows the different member experiences with NHIMA. And about the scheme.
Marketing campaign video of the new Finnish family leave model
Marketing campaign video of the new Finnish family leave model.
Getting to know workers’ compensation insurance
You can test what you know about the Finnish Workers' Compensation Insurance with Dan. "Workers’ compensation insurance concerns in Finland each and every one of us. If you are an employee, you are covered by workers’ compensation insurance. So what does that mean in practice? Mr. Dan has just
German Paralympic Media Award und Unfallversicherung Kinder und…
- Der German Paralympic Media Award wird jährlich von der DGUV verliehen. Er ist der wichtigste deutsche Preis, der herausragende Berichterstattung zum Thema Behindertensport auszeichnet.
- Auch Kinder und Jugendliche sind abgesichert, wenn sie eine Betreuungseinrichtung, Schule oder Universität
"3 millones de gracias" Campaña de cercanía con la…
Es una campaña que se realizó con foco en la ciudadanía para mostrar la articulación y gestión de la organización mediante mejores prácticas que garanticen la integridad y respaldo de los servicios confiados por los ciudadanos
SGK videos
- The video is about the integration of the digital systems of SGK with e-Government platform. The e-Services of SGK are among the favorites which make easier the social security service processes for from retirees to employers. More than 150 applications of SGK is accessible everywhere throughout e
Pension for All People's Happiness
The role of the NPS is to bring dream and hope to all for brighter retirement life. This video contains the NPS's efforts to contribute to the development of the international pension system and social secuirty scheme with the accumulated 35-year experiences and innovation. The NPS will constantly
Introduction video of Japan Labor and Social Security Attorney
This video explains what is a Labor and Social Security Attorney, "Sharoushi," in Japan. A Sharoushi is a legal specialist based on the Sharoushi Act of 1968. The mission of Sharoushi is that“A Sharoushi shall contribute to the smooth implementation of labor and social security related laws as well
EN3S - Sécurité sociale
Découvrez toute l’histoire et l’évolution de la Sécurité sociale au travers d’une vidéo stylisée sur l’arbre de la Sécu entrecoupée de jeux. La vidéo permet de revenir de manière illustrée sur les fondements historiques de la Sécurité sociale, son évolution et le cheminement parcouru par l
Catch the Wave Social Sustainability Initiative and Accredited Vision…
Promotional video for IOSHs Catch the Wave initiative, emphasising the importance of looking after workforces and how if businesses look after their people it looks after their business. The initiative shows that Social sustainability is not just a ‘nice to have’ – it’s the backbone of resilience. A
Campagne multimédia de l'AISS sur la sécurité sociale
Cinq (05) Vidéos abordant plusieurs thématique de la sécurité sociale.
Web série IPS CNPS
Dans le cadre de la promotion du Régime Social des Travailleurs Indépendants ( RSTI), notre Institution a développé une weberie pour sa chaîne Youtube avec des humoristes locaux.
Social Security Stories
Laptrust testimonials by various members who have benefitted from the lumpsum/ monthly pension money they receive from Laptrust scheme upon retirement. We have also uploaded Trustfund beneficiaries testimonials of all trustfund members who have benefited from the scheme.
Ensemble pour une protection sociale active
Travailler dans une organisation comme l'Office national de l'emploi, c'est contribuer à la sécurité sociale belge. A l'aide de deux témoignages de collaborateurs, la capsule vidéo met avant le rôle social de l’ONEM au sein du système de sécurité sociale belge.
National Office of Social Insurance
Social security institution and services in the field of social security provided by the National Office of Social Insurance of the Republic of Moldova
Securing life long health for a healthier tomorrow
NHIS's journey to achieve life long health assurance since 1977.
La sécurité sociale au Luxembourg
La sécurité sociale au Luxembourg
Acciones de una mutual de Uruguay ante la padémia por covid 19
La respuesta de una mutual de salud de Uruguay ante el desafío por la pandemia covid 19. Trabajo en equipo, liderazgo, coordinación multidisciplinaria para la atención y contención de la salud física y mental de más de 100000 asociados y usuarios del sistema de salud. Participación activa como
Innovations in provision of social services in Azerbaijan
The presented video contains the information on large-scale social reforms in Azerbaijan including innovative solutions in the provision of social services, simple and agile proactive assignments, e-services, and utmost satisfaction of citizens.
Sur le vif
The new video series “Sur le vif” gives the floor to Unédic experts. For 90 seconds, statisticians, auditors, financiers, lawyers must answer as many questions as possible about their profession... but not only to create surprise and to bring about good mood! It's a short, dynamic and fun video
CNSS - Burkina Faso
CNSS - Burkina Faso, et ces différentes prestations sociales
ISM en tu bolsillo, Esperanza del Mar y Innovación y proactividad
"ISM en tu bolsillo": es una aplicación dirigida a las personas pertenecientes al Régimen Especial de la Seguridad Social de los Trabajadores del Mar
Videos from Social Insurance for Agriculture, Forestry and…
Videos on Lumbago, Back fit with mini moves, Vaccination and protection from UV radiation
BoBoiBoy to promote its Return to Work (RTW) program
In conjunction with RTW's 15th anniversary, SOCSO launched its first fully animated advertising video on efforts undertaken through the RTW program
Ah Zui, the retired Singaporean otter
Join Ah Zui, the retired Singaporean otter, in his journey to choose a CPF LIFE plan to receive lifelong monthly payouts for his retirement needs.
Asbestos is the number one cause of work-related deaths in…
Our goal with these videos is to increase awareness of the risks of asbestos exposure and the correct preventative measures to reduce exposure and prevent asbestos-related disease and death.
Couverture Santé des Assurés volontaires
Cérémonie de signature de la convention entre la CNPS et société d'assurance locale.