Prevention section

International Section of the ISSA on Prevention in the Mining Industry

Prevention section

International Section of the ISSA on Prevention in the Mining Industry

Take Your Choice – Safety First!

The aim of the International Section of the ISSA on Prevention in the Mining Industry is to further and to improve social security in mining worldwide.

Today's mining in a global world

Everywhere in the world the need for energy, raw materials or materials for constructing the infrastructure is vast and will increase. Not only in industrialized countries, but also in transition and developing countries is this a matter of fact. Mining activities are therefore essential for human well-being and a necessity anywhere in the world.

But among all industrial activities, mining and other forms of extraction are considered as the most dangerous worldwide. This is also a fact for all kinds of quarry works, mining of aggregates, and tunnelling. Furthermore, serious risks arise for miners and workers not only from extractive operations, but when processing as well.

The worker's health is endangered not only through mechanical risks arising from heavy duty mobile and fixed machinery or from underground and surface mining risk factors themselves, but also from dust, noise or chemical substances. High accident rates and high numbers of occupational diseases are the consequences of this situation unless the necessary preventative measures will be taken. On the other hand, good safety and health performance reduces human suffering and increases the economical performance of the industry.

The Section on Prevention in the Mining Industry – the international platform to influence global OSH politics for mining

The Section on Prevention in the Mining Industry was founded in 1969 on the occasion of the VII. World Congress on Occupational Safety and Health. It covers large-scale mining operations as well as small and medium-sized enterprises (SME's).

The German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the raw materials and chemical industry (BG RCI) is currently entrusted with the organisation of this Section. It is among many other sectors also the statutory accident insurance for all mining operations and for all extractive and quarrying works in Germany and offers prevention for underground and surface mining as well as for the processing of the raw material.

The Section on Prevention in the Mining Industry provides benefits and services for the following mining operations and industrial sectors:

  • Hard coal and lignite coal mining
  • Salt and potash mining
  • Ore mining
  • Services for mining (shaft sinking and tunnelling)
  • Underground waste deposit
  • Oil and gas mining
  • Quarries and natural stone mining
  • Natural stone processing
  • Aggregates and raw material mining
  • Cement, lime and gypsum industries
  • Mineral recycling industry

Operations and services related to mining are covered as well.

Aims of the Section on Prevention in the Mining Industry

  • OSH politics
  • Safety and health
  • Social security
  • Recommendations
  • Advice and good practice
  • Information and cooperation

The Section aims to foster and improve social security in mining by means of worldwide cooperation, particularly in the field of prevention. The Section aims to achieve worldwide acceptable working, OSH and social conditions in large mining enterprises as well as for SME quarries or small scale extractive industries by influencing OSH politics on a global level, creating recommendations and promoting the transfer of the best solutions and good practice.

The Section aims to protect miners from accidents and damage to their health.

The Section supports employers and managers in fulfilling their responsibility of taking the necessary preventative measures.

The Section cooperates with governments, ministries, insurance funds, non-profit organisations, employer associations, unions, manufacturers of machinery and all bodies and experts interested in the relevant field.

Following these aims, the Section takes care of the health and social welfare of all miners and their families, and also supports the economic performance and the public image of the mining industry worldwide.

Benefits for members

  • benefit from a non-profit network
  • share input
  • play an active role
  • use contacts
  • get information

Members of the Section on Prevention in the Mining Industry benefit from

  • the chance to give input to global decisions in OSH politics for mining
  • demonstrate commitment in the general aims by using the logo of the Section
  • proving Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
  • playing an active role in setting standards and recommendations
  • getting in contact with the leading non-profit organisations for OSH
  • being part of an independent international network
  • getting the latest information
  • contact to key players, suppliers and experts
  • being involved in international events, congresses and workshops
  • getting advice in the Section's topics
  • a direct link to the International Labour Organization (ILO)

Fields of activity

  • Safe organisation
  • Risk assessment
  • Mining technology
  • Education and training
  • Dust and chemical agents
  • OSH promotion and marketing

​The Section on Prevention in the Mining Industry focuses on

  • Good OSH politics and reliable organisation of safety and health in mining
  • Best practice concepts for risk assessment
  • The safest mining technology in order to reduce risks of accidents and diseases
  • Best practice preventative measures to minimize exposure to dust, noise, vibration and chemical agents
  • Personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • Methods to promote safe behaviour of miners and
  • Education and training concepts for miners
  • Mine rescue

In order to improve public awareness and public relations in the field of mine safety, the Section on Prevention in the Mining Industry offers a communication platform and broad information via its website and through its newsletter. 

How do we work and how are we organized

  • Networking
  • Alliances
  • Technical commissions
  • Working groups
  • Conferences

The Section on Prevention in the Mining Industry organizes the exchange of information, knowledge and best practice on topics of social security and occupational safety and health. It forms technical commissions and working groups, using personal attendance or  the internet.

It organizes international symposia, conferences and colloquia and actively supports the world congresses on safety and health. It organizes opinion polls and studies, promotes research and cooperates with other sections of ISSA or interested bodies. Representatives from developed countries are as welcome as representatives from transition or developing countries in supporting the section's work.

The work of Section on Prevention in the Mining Industry is driven by the section's president, vice-president and its secretary general. At least every three years a general assembly is organized. In order to structure the activities, a three-year work plan will be established.


The Section on Prevention in the Mining Industry is composed of members. Its two executive bodies are the General Assembly and the Bureau.

The General Assembly consists of the ordinary members of the Section on Prevention in the Mining Industry. The corresponding members of the Section belong to the General Assembly in a consultative capacity. The General Assembly meets at least once every three years.

The Bureau is elected by the General Assembly. The Secretary General of the ISSA belongs to the Bureau in a consultative capacity.

The section is funded by membership fees fixed by the Bureau and financial support of those who participate in the work of the section (working groups, technical committees).

Members of the Bureau

Section on Prevention in the Mining Industry - Bureau members

Section on Prevention in the Mining Industry - Bureau members

International Section of the ISSA on Prevention in the Mining Industry
Publication date:
March 2023


For more information please consult the brochure of the Section on Prevention in the Mining Industry and its standing orders.