Prevention section

International Section of the ISSA on Prevention in the Iron and Metal Industry

Prevention section

International Section of the ISSA on Prevention in the Iron and Metal Industry

The Section brings together organizations, enterprises and experts interested in the prevention of accidents at work and occupational diseases in the iron and metal industry.


Among the most dangerous activities in the world are those of the iron and metal industries.

The Section for Prevention of Occupational Risks in the Iron and Metal Industry is one of the eleven International Prevention Sections of the International Social Security Association (ISSA). Its aim is to further and to improve the working conditions in the iron and metal industries by means of world-wide cooperation, in the field of prevention of occupational risks.

The Section's scope of action covers all types of activities in industrial production from ore dressing (outside the extracting enterprise) to smelting, and to the completion of the final product in the metallurgical plants including foundries.

The means of action of the Section to reduce the high accident risks and to avoid damages to health are:

  • Exchange of information and experiences
  • Organization of international conferences and symposia
  • Investigations and studies as well as the promotion of research in the field of safety and health at work
  • Dissemination of information on safety and health at work in international conferences as well as by publishing reports, brochures and guidelines.

For more information please consult the standing orders of the Section.


The Section for Prevention of Occupational Risks in the Iron and Metal Industry is composed of members. Its two executive bodies are the General Assembly and the Bureau.

The General Assembly consists of the full members of the Section. Members are entitled to propose subjects they wish to be treated within the scope of the Section's working programme.

The Bureau of the Section elected by the General Assembly is composed by the President, two Vice-Presidents and the Secretary General of the Section. The Secretary General of the ISSA belongs to the Bureau in a consultative capacity.

The Section is a financially autonomous body with its own membership. It is financed by the membership fees and voluntary contributions of its members.

Members of the Bureau


Alexander Bernart
General Director
Austrian Workers' Compensation Board (
Allgemeine Unfallversicherungsanstalt - AUVA)

E: [email protected]

Secretary General

Amra Causevic (currently on maternity leave)
Head International Relations
Austrian Workers' Compensation Board (Allgemeine Unfallversicherungsanstalt - AUVA)

T: +43 5 93 93-20190
F: +43 5 93 93-20198
E: [email protected]

Contact person during her maternity leave:

Nikolaus Schaden-Kajoui
T: +43 593 93 - 20192
E: [email protected]