ISSA Webinar: Digital transformation strategies in Europe

18 November 2021 |  Virtual

ISSA Webinar: Digital transformation strategies in Europe

18 November 2021 |  Virtual

Thursday, 18 November 2021, 10:30–12:00 (UTC/GMT+1 or CET)

Languages: Simultaneous interpretation in English, French, German and Spanish (Simultaneous interpretation available using the Zoom App only)

Webinar organized in collaboration with the ISSA European Network (IEN)

Digitalization processes, which have been a reality in Europe for some decades, have been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic and the rapid development of new technologies.

As public expectations change, institutional objectives evolve and new technologies emerge, all social security institutions in Europe face the question of how to most effectively develop and implement digital solutions in support of their mandate.

In doing so, they need to go beyond the limitations of existing systems, look into integrated and organization-wide approaches, and efficiently apply emerging technologies to support a broad range of business objectives. An alignment with the broader national e-government environment is an additional factor.

A number of building blocks are necessary for success in this organization-wide digital transformation. These include in particular an institutional digital strategy combined with strong leadership during the implementation of this strategy across the organization.

The webinar will discuss these, as well as other factors of successful digital transformation, and present practical experiences of social security institutions in defining and implementing organization-wide digital strategies.


Gertruda Uścińska Gertruda Uścińska, President, Social Insurance Institution (ZUS), Poland and Chairperson of the ISSA European Network
Susanne Weigel Susanne Weigel, Deputy Chief Digital Officer, German Federal Pension Insurance (DRV-Bund), Germany
Alexandros Varveris Alexandros Varveris, Deputy Governor A, Electronic National Social Security Fund (e-EFKA), Greece

This webinar will examine the following questions:

  • Why is organization-wide digital transformation a priority for social security institutions in Europe?
  • What are the key elements of an institutional digital transformation strategy?
  • What are the main facilitating factors and barriers in the implementation of such strategies?
  • What is the role of leadership and human resources of an institution in this regard?


  • Welcome by Marcelo Abi-Ramia Caetano, Secretary General, ISSA
  • Technical presentation by the ISSA
  • Case experience of Germany
  • Case experience of Greece
  • Case experience of Poland
  • Q&A – Panel discussion
  • Conclusions
Raul Ruggia-Frick Moderated by Raul Ruggia-Frick, Director, Social Security Development Branch, ISSA

Pratical information

The webinar is open to delegates of ISSA member institutions and invited participants without registration fee.