Important discussions at the ISSA Bureau held in Geneva

Important discussions at the ISSA Bureau held in Geneva

The Bureau of the International Social Security Association (ISSA) has held important discussions in Geneva, Switzerland on the activities and results of the Association since 2020, and on its plans for the 2023–2025 triennium. The meeting took place from 22 to 23 June and was the first time since 2019 that this statutory body could meet in person.

The ISSA Bureau plays a key role in the Association, following up on the planning, implementation and results of the ISSA’s activities and results, including its budget, as well as admitting new members. Over 70 representatives of ISSA member institutions from all regions participated in the 124th Bureau Meeting.

The Bureau discussed important issues such as the progress in the implementation of the 2020–2022 programme and reviewed the financial situation of the ISSA at the end of the last year. The Bureau also took strategic decisions for the future of the Association by approving the programme and budget proposals for the 2023–2025 period and transmitting them to the ISSA Council for adoption at its 39th Session, which will take place during the World Social Security Forum (WSSF) in Marrakech, Morocco in October. Finally, the Bureau approved reports by the ISSA Nominations Committee on the candidatures for the positions of ISSA President, Treasurer and Control Commission. These elections will also be held during the Council meeting in Marrakech.

After two and a half years of virtual meetings during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Bureau meeting was an opportunity to finally meet in person for in-depth discussions concerning the end of the 2020–2022 triennium and the WSSF. Closely connected to the meeting of the ISSA Bureau, meetings of the ISSA Finance Committee and the ISSA Nominations Committee were held on 22 June.