Duration: 400 hours over 24 months
Format: Online training organized in blocks of about 100 hours, with four one-week face-to-face sessions.
Block I. Social security policy and results-based management
Understanding the obstacles and levers of effective public management through the acquisition of an essential and precise knowledge base.
- Public policy and performance management
- The design and implementation of public policies
- Performance: challenges for the public sector
- The operational breakdown of performance into mission, programmes and actions
- Operational management and results-based management
- Results-based programme or project management approach (RBM) and its tools
- Management through a monitoring and evaluation system
- Implementation of programme and project evaluation and its results
- Instruments for public health and social security policies
- Public-private partnership (PPP) in the health sector
- The financing of universal coverage
ISSA Webinar: Presentation of the first block (in French)
Block II. Methodological approaches to economic and social issues
- Background knowledge on specific themes: Introduction to the political sociology of emerging countries
- Development economics
- Individual work
- English or Spanish language training
ISSA Webinar: Presentation of the second and third block (in French)
Block III. Comparative analysis of social security issues and policies around the world
- Institutional and social policy dynamics in emerging countries
- Introduction to comparative policy studies
- Economic and social analysis of emerging countries
- The political history of Africa: discussions and purposes
- Social science methods
- Quantitative data analysis
- Contemporary issues in developing and emerging countries
- International relations of developing and emerging countries
ISSA Webinar: Presentation of the second and third block (in French)
Block IV. Governance and management of social security
- Horizontal aspects of social security management
- Governance
- Coverage
- Service quality
- Statistics/actuarial issues
- Business aspects of social security management
- Fraud control
- Prevention
- Collection of contributions and compliance
- Employment
- New information and communication technologies
- Governance and management
- Components specific to social security and data-driven digital transformation
- Core technologies
ISSA Webinar: Presentation of the fourth block (in French)