
Controlling exposure to carcinogens in the Ontario mining industry

10–11 July 2017 | SudburyCanada


Controlling exposure to carcinogens in the Ontario mining industry

10–11 July 2017 | SudburyCanada

The Occupational Cancer Research Centre; the Mining Innovation, Rehabilitation and Applied Research Corporation (MIRARCO); and Laurentian University are hosting a conference on the impact of exposure to carcinogens in the Ontario mining industry, and how these exposures can be controlled. It will focus on diesel exhaust and radon, as well as other carcinogens.

The conference will be held in Sudbury, Ontario on July 10-11, 2017. More details will be available on the conference website closer to the date. Please note that there will be a small registration fee for this event, and seating will be limited.