The Liaison Offices of the ISSA for North Africa and for Arab Countries, are jointly organizing a Technical Seminar on the Extension of social security coverage in the Arab world from 23 to 24 April 2013 in Marrakesh, Morocco, at the invitation of the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) of Morocco.
This Seminar is specifically aimed at Chief Executive Officers, senior management and experts in this field representing ISSA member organizations in countries covered by the two Liaison Offices.
The Technical Seminar sessions will focus on the following topics:
- the experience of member organizations in the extension of social security coverage;
- the challenges to extending the range of social security benefits implemented;
- an adequate legal framework: the basis for viable social security coverage;
- the challenges and opportunities for widespread coverage in the Arab world.
The Technical Seminar is open to ISSA members from the region and invited persons only.