International Seminar

International Seminar on Social Security Reform

19.–20. August 2015 |  NusaduaIndonesien

International Seminar

International Seminar on Social Security Reform

19.–20. August 2015 |  NusaduaIndonesien

This international seminar " Providing Adequate Benefits for All and Adapting to Future Megatrends " will take place in Bali, Indonesia, from 19 to 20 August 2015.

Social security framework should assure the adequate benefits for all workers covered through its program such as pension program and return to work program in order to pivotal role of social security concept, building a welfare state. While social security concept has perfect mission as economic leverage, the implementation of social security can pose important challenges to realize the practical implementation to guarantee the sustainability of social security which has close relations to investment management as well as social economic condition that also should be linked with future employment megatrend. The seminar will focus on subjects as on the following :

  • Megatrends and their Impact on Social Security
  • Pension and Welfare Reforms
  • Investment
  • Best Practice of Return to Work around the Globe