First published in 1948, the International Social Security Review is the principal international quarterly publication in the field of social security.
Articles by leading social security experts present international comparisons and in-depth discussions of topical questions and studies of social security systems in different countries.
All articles published in English in the International Social Security Review since 1967 are available in full text on the Wiley Online Library platform. Once logged in, staff of ISSA member organizations can freely access the platform.
The full text of all articles is available in English. Articles published in 2007–2013 are also available in French, German and Spanish. Since 2014, abstracts and keywords are provided in English, Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.
External users may subscribe to the platform, consult a free sample issue of the International Social Security Review online, or visit the Wiley Online Library to browse contents and abstracts of all issues. Abstracts of the issues since 2010 can be consulted and searched (filtered) below.