This page presents publications prepared by the ISSA General Secretariat and allows to search (filter) these.

In addition, links to the International Social Security Review and the Social Security Programs Throughout the World series are found separately in the right hand column. Brochures and contributions to events are found on the respective topical and event pages.

Search results

The dematerialization of public services: A survey on the impact of difficulties in accessing digital services
Rémi Gallou; Sabrina Aouici; Malorie Peyrache; Julie Rochut; Camille Audren; Virginie Barret; National Old-Age Insurance Fund, France
Technical Commission on Old-age, Invalidity and Survivors’ Insurance
Publication date:
October 2022
Innovation capacity
Digital inclusion
Digital inclusion
United Nations University, Operating Unit on Policy-Driven Electronic Governance (UNU-EGOV) and the International Social Security Association (ISSA)
Publication date:
July 2022
Innovation capacity
Digital inclusion
Technological transition
Service delivery
Applying emerging technologies in social security
Technical Commission on Information and Communication Technology
Publication date:
October 2019
Innovation capacity
Information and communication technology