Section on Prevention in the Iron and Metal Industry


Section on Prevention in the Iron and Metal Industry


What does the International Section of the ISSA on Prevention in the Iron and Metal Industry offer its members?

A non-bureaucratic, direct access to safety concepts addressing the most frequent risks and accident sources, established by experts on all levels of the enterprise.

  • Co-operation in working groups dealing with current topics, for instance Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
  • Individual assistance and counselling regarding the implementation of theoretical solutions into entrepreneurial practice.
  • International Symposia, seminars, workshops and training programmes to promote the exchange of information and experiences between the members and on the international level; discounted participation fee and free copy of the proceedings.

Types of Membership

The Section offers three types of membership:

Full member

  • Non-profit organisations
  • Affiliate and associate members of the International Social Security Association

Annual membership fee: CHF 600

Associate member

  • Profit-making organisations and business enterprises as well as their research and development departments

Annual membership fee: CHF 800

Corresponding member

  • Experts as individual persons

Annual membership fee: CHF 200

Application for Membership

Are you interested in our activities? Do you wish to become a member of the Section? If so please contact us and simply send an informal application for membership including relevant information about your organization to the Secretariat of the Section, either by mail or by e-mail.