Social security around the world

Protection of platform workers

Social security around the world

Protection of platform workers

With the rise of the gig and platform economy transforming the world of work, governments and public authorities have been taking measures to regulate and ensure social protection for platform workers. The International Social Security Association (ISSA) offers access to evolving information, data and resources on platform work and social security. 

The growth of the gig and platform economy in recent years has created new markets for businesses and income-generating opportunities for workers, but it has also challenged traditional employment and social protection arrangements. The platform economy is a diverse and complex reality, with different business models, economic sectors, forms of service provision, and types of work and worker profiles. Available evidence highlights the dire need to protect platform workers sustainably and justly.

Around the world, the vast majority of workers engaged in the platform economy are classified as self-employed, which often leads to minimal or no access to social security systems and reduced benefit packages. In particular, self-employed workers are frequently ineligible – or only eligible on a voluntary basis – for unemployment, sickness or employment injury benefits, and in many cases face complete legal exclusion from social insurance. Furthermore, the unique situation of platform workers presents numerous challenges for social protection systems, such as how to ensure ease of access, data transfer, awareness, and portability.

Governments, social partners, social security institutions, international organizations and other stakeholders are involved in efforts to ensure that platform workers, regardless of classification, have access to comprehensive and adequate social protection.

From the menu on this page, you can access resources on social protection for platform workers, coming from both the ISSA and external sources.

Key aspects of the protection of platform workers

  • Social security coverage
    • Legal framework
      • Adapting national social protection policy and legal frameworks
      • Portability and transferability among schemes and employers
      • Cross-border protection
    • Implementation
      • Facilitating registration and contributions payment
      • Data sharing between platforms, workers and authorities
      • Awareness and information
  • Labour protection
    • Appropriate classification of employment status
    • Ensuring adequate working conditions / decent work for platform and gig workers
      • Adequate pay
      • Working time regulation
      • Occupational safety and health
      • Employment protection
    • Ensuring the transparency of data and rules implemented by algorithms to protect workers' rights