Country profiles


Country profiles


Scheme tables

Updated January 2019, based on desk research and a January 2019 country response.
Statutory pensionable age - Men:
Statutory pensionable age - Women:
Early pensionable age [a] – Men:
Early pensionable age [a] – Women:

SOURCE: The country scheme descriptions.
NOTES: The statutory and early pensionable age shown in the table is the general pensionable age or the age that applies to the largest covered population.
a. General early pensionable age only; excludes early pensionable ages for specific groups of employees.
b. The country has no early pensionable age, has one only for specific groups, information is not available, or the pension is awarded at any age if certain qualifying conditions are met.
c. Urban workers.
d. The retirement age is flexible.
e. There is no statutory programme or the statutory programme has not yet been implemented.


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