Scheme description
Regulatory framework
Type of program: Social insurance system.
Exclusions: Self-employed person, temporary agricultural employees, citizens of countries without reciprocal agreements with Lebanon (except certain Palestinian employees); and persons with foreign employment contracts.
Special system for public-sector employees and teachers.
Source of funds
Self-employed person: Not applicable; see source of funds under Sickness and Maternity for the funeral grant.
Employer: 8.5% of monthly payroll.
There are no minimum or maximum earnings used to calculate contributions.
See source of funds under Sickness and Maternity for the funeral grant.
Government: None.
Qualifying conditions
Employment must cease.
Partial benefit: At any age with less than 20 years of employment if the insured leaves employment permanently.
Deferred benefit: The benefit may be deferred until age 64.
Disability benefit (Indemnité de fin de service): Must be assessed with at least a 50% loss of work capacity and unable to work in his or her usual occupation or any other similar occupation.
A medical commission assesses the loss of work capacity.
Survivor benefit (Indemnité de fin de service): The deceased must have had at least six years of covered employment and been in covered employment.
Eligible survivors include a widow(er), orphans (no age limit), parents (no age limit), brothers, and sisters.
Funeral grant (Allocation des frais de funérailles): Paid to the person who paid for the funeral.
Old-age benefits
Partial benefit: A lump sum of 50% of the old-age benefit is paid with one to five years of employment; 65% with more than five and up to 10 years; 75% with more than 10 and up to 15 years; or 85% with more than 15 but less than 20 years.
Invalidity benefits
The minimum disability benefit is 20 months of the insured's last monthly earnings before the disability began.
Survivor benefits
If there is no eligible widow(er) or orphan, 50% of the deceased's last monthly earnings multiplied by the number of years of employment is paid to surviving parents and 50% to brothers and sisters (100% is paid to surviving brothers and sisters if there are no surviving parents).
The minimum survivor benefit is six times the deceased's last monthly earnings.
Funeral grant (Allocation des frais de funérailles): A lump sum of 150% of the legal monthly minimum wage is paid.
The legal monthly minimum wage is 675,000 pounds.
Administrative organization
Ministry of Labor ( provides general supervision.
National Social Security Fund (, managed by a tripartite board and a director general, administers the program through its district offices and collects contributions.
Sickness and maternity
Regulatory framework
Type of program: Social insurance system. Medical benefits only.
Note: The programs for cash sickness and maternity benefits have not been implemented.
Voluntary coverage for self-employed persons, workers previously covered by the mandatory system, and persons aged 60 or older with at least 20 years of previous employment.
Exclusions: Temporary agricultural employees and citizens of countries without reciprocal agreements with Lebanon.
Source of funds
There are no minimum earnings used to calculate contributions.
The maximum monthly earnings used to calculate contributions are 2,500,000 pounds.
The insured person's contributions also finance the funeral grant paid under Old Age, Disability, and Survivors.
Self-employed person: 9% of monthly covered earnings.
There are no minimum earnings used to calculate contributions.
The maximum monthly earnings used to calculate contributions are 1,000,000 pounds; 2,500,000 pounds for self-employed persons with employees.
The self-employed person's contributions also finance the funeral grant paid under Old Age, Disability, and Survivors.
Employer: 8% of monthly covered payroll.
There are no minimum earnings used to calculate contributions.
The maximum monthly earnings used to calculate contributions are 2,500,000 pounds.
The employer's contributions also finance the funeral grant paid under Old Age, Disability, and Survivors.
Government: 1% of monthly covered payroll plus 25% of the cost of benefits; contributes as an employer.
There are no minimum earnings used to calculate contributions.
The maximum monthly earnings used to calculate contributions are 2,500,000 pounds.
Qualifying conditions
Medical benefits: Must be currently insured and have at least three months of coverage in the last six months.
Cash sickness and maternity/paternity benefits
Health care benefits
The National Social Security Fund contracts with and pays hospitals for 90% of the cost of benefits (the insured person pays the remaining 10%). The fund normally reimburses insured persons for 80% of the cost of a doctor's treatment and 100% of the cost of maternity care, cholesterol monitoring and treatment, and kidney dialysis, according to a schedule in law.
Benefits are paid for up to 26 weeks; up to 52 weeks in special cases. For chronic illnesses, including heart disease and cancer, there is no limit to duration.
Medical benefits for dependents
Administrative organization
Ministry of Labor ( provides general supervision.
National Social Security Fund (, managed by a tripartite board and a director general, administers the program through its district offices and collects contributions.
Regulatory framework
Type of program: Employer-liability system through a private carrier.
Exclusions: Self-employed persons.
Source of funds
Self-employed person: Not applicable.
Employer: The total cost.
Government: None.
Qualifying conditions
Temporary disability benefits
Permanent disability benefits
The monthly earnings used to calculate benefits are 100% of the insured's monthly earnings up to the legal monthly minimum wage plus 25% of monthly earnings above the legal monthly minimum wage plus 12.5% of monthly earnings above twice the legal monthly minimum wage.
The legal monthly minimum wage is 675,000 pounds.
Partial disability: A percentage of the full permanent disability benefit is paid based on the assessed loss of earning capacity.
Constant-attendance supplement: If the insured requires the constant attendance of others to perform daily functions, a set amount is paid according to a schedule in law.
Medical care
There is no cost sharing for doctors' services.
Survivor benefits
The monthly earnings used to calculate benefits are 100% of the insured's monthly earnings up to the legal monthly minimum wage plus 25% of monthly earnings above the legal monthly minimum wage plus 12.5% of monthly earnings above twice the legal monthly minimum wage.
The legal monthly minimum wage is 675,000 pounds.
Eligible survivors include the widow, a widower aged 60 or older or with a disability, children younger than age 16 (age 25 if a student or disabled), parents aged 60 or older or with a disability, and dependent brothers and sisters.
Funeral grant (Allocation de frais funéraires): A lump sum of up to 200% of the legal monthly minimum wage is paid.
The legal monthly minimum wage is 675,000 pounds.
Administrative organization
Ministry of Labor ( provides general supervision.
National Social Security Fund (, managed by a tripartite board and a director general, administers the program.
Regulatory framework
Current laws: 1963 (Law No. 20890, on social security) with amendments, and 1965 (Decree No. 2950 of 20 October, on family allowances) with amendments.
Exclusions: Self-employed persons.
Source of funds
Self-employed person: Not applicable.
Employer: 6% of monthly covered payroll.
There are no minimum earnings used to calculate contributions.
The maximum monthly earnings used to calculate contributions are 1,500,000 pounds.
Government: None.
Qualifying conditions
Family and household benefits
Administrative organization
Ministry of Labor ( provides general supervision.
National Social Security Fund (, managed by a tripartite board and a director general, administers the program and collects contributions.
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