With over 500 registered participants, the Regional Social Security Forum for Africa (RSSF Africa) in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire became the most attended for this region. Important discussions took place, along with the sharing of best practices and examples of innovation. The knowledge shared will
The ISSA Good Practice Award for Africa 2023 has been awarded to the Department of Social Development in South Africa for the Child Support Grant and its role in the gradual extension of social security coverage to vulnerable children.
The National Social Insurance Fund for Employees (Caisse nationale des assurances sociales des travailleurs salaries – CNAS) of Algeria has won the first ever ISSA Special Distinction for Innovation, as part of the Good Practice Award for Africa competition.
The International Social Security Association’s (ISSA) has launched its new report Social security developments and trends – Africa 2023, which spotlights innovations and practices that contribute to expanding and improving social security in the region.
The Vision Zero strategy helps drive global efforts to promote a safe and healthy working environment. Every worker has a right to return home safe and healthy. Occupational safety and health is a fundamental principle and right.
In 2023, the International Social Security Association (ISSA) and its training partners present a full programme of onsite training, after three years of e-learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. There will be 17 courses on nine topics and in three languages between May and November 2023.
The 17th ISSA Forum for Technical Commissions (TC Forum) was held virtually 7–21 March. This gave the technical commissions and working groups the opportunity to set their priorities and coordinate their plans for 2023–2025, building on the priorities of the International Social Security Association
As social security delivery becomes increasingly digitized, ensuring equal access to digital skills and tools is crucial. The United Nations has dedicated this year’s International Women’s Day to the theme “DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality”, which strongly aligns with
The ISSA Recognition programme provides member institutions with the opportunity to receive certification for applying internationally recognized professional standards in key areas of social security administration. There is increasing interest in this programme, which will be further expanded in
In October 2022, Dr Mohammed Azman was elected President of the International Social Security Association (ISSA) for a three-year term. In this interview, he shares his ambitions for the Presidency and his thoughts on how to further strengthen social security in the years to come.