The International Social Security Association (ISSA) has published a brand-new report on the global priorities for social security. The report was presented at the opening day of the World Social Security Forum, which takes place from 24 to 28 October in Marrakech, Morocco.
The report Priorities for social security – Global 2022: Trends, challenges and solutions presents a global perspective on social security developments and trends, challenges and innovations. It is based on a series of reports for Africa, the Americas, Asia and the Pacific, and Europe, published between October 2021 and May 2022. The global report highlights the main trends and challenges in social security and some of the key messages in the report are:
- Management practices are evolving through innovations and human-digital solutions, leadership, strategic planning, and a whole-of institution approach is essential.
- Significant coverage gaps need to be addressed through political will, financial commitments, contributory and non-contributory programmes and institutional capacity.
- Meeting the needs of an ageing population, there is a need to work towards adequate pensions, strengthen long-term care, and promote healthy ageing and a longer working life.
- Promoting inclusive growth and cohesion - through empowerment and a life-course approach, and building on effective coordination and integration of social security with employment policies and other sectors.
- Social security responses to the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated the crucial importance of institutional capacity and resilience, addressing existing coverage gaps and the need to extend coverage to better face future crises.
These and other topics will be thoroughly discussed during the World Social Security Forum, which is organized under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI and hosted by CDG Prévoyance. Some 1300 registered participants from over 280 organizations in 140 countries have registered for the most important event in social security, which takes place once every three years.
The global report is presented in a new and interactive format, a digital, web-based publication that enables quick access and deep dives into the topics of interest including convenient links to relevant country examples, facts and trends, good practices, articles and reports prepared by the ISSA General Secretariat and its collaborators, with an emphasis on the 2020–2022 triennium. Access to a wide range of online information as well as linked references to relevant ISSA Guidelines, webinars and other events further enrich the experience. A simpler printable format is also available.
In addition to the global report, a number of reports have been produced and published by the ISSA Technical Commissions, and the ISSA will present new and revised ISSA Guidelines in social security administration during the World Forum.