ISSA rewards French good practices in occupational risk prevention

ISSA rewards French good practices in occupational risk prevention

At the ISSA Good Practice Awards for Europe 2024 held in Porto, Portugal in April, the jury rewarded three good practices of the National Sickness Insurance Fund (Caisse nationale de l'assurance maladie) in France focussed on occupational risk prevention.

"Risques chimiques Pros" and "TMS Pros" are two online programmes designed to help companies draw up and implement an action plan to prevent chemical risks and musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs).

The first one enables companies to assess the risks, plan and monitor the actions taken to reduce workers' exposure to chemicals and prevent the consequences, particularly in the sectors most at risk: car repair shops, construction and public works, technical inspection centres, mechanics and machining, joinery and woodworking, care and analysis.

The second approach makes it possible to work on risk factors and work organisation to prevent MSDs, which account for 88 per cent of recognised occupational diseases in France, and handling accidents (low back pain) resulting in at least four days' absence from work. Most of these MSDs are concentrated in a few sectors: personal assistance and care, construction, mass retail, food industry, metal industry, cleaning, transport and logistics.

Finally, the jury awarded a certificate of merit to the "Programme sectoriel Bâtiment et Travaux publics" (Building and Public Works Sectoral Programme). The main operational objective is to help pre-identified public purchasers to include in their calls for tenders for works, provisions to control risks on their sites and to implement the pooling of prevention resources in their construction projects.