In response to the new challenges emerging from aging populations, changing family structures, new technologies and the evolving labour market, the International Social Security Association (ISSA) is creating a new Special Working Group on Rehabilitation.
Rehabilitation is a comprehensive concept integrating the delivery of services and benefits, activation measures including adaptation of working and living environments, new technologies, health policies and citizen-centric coordination of services. It constitutes an important response to the complex challenges that come with an 'older-old' population, with increased prevalence of chronic diseases that place pressures on both the health system and institutional long-term care.
An important focus of the Special Working Group on Rehabilitation will be the promotion of ageing-in-place policies through the sharing of practices and lessons learned from the world of prevention and work injury and by integrating knowledge on disability management, ICT, employment and health. The new working group’s primary objective is to increase awareness on this important concept amongst ISSA technical commissions and ISSA members.
Membership of this multidisciplinary working group is open to all members of ISSA technical commissions as it is horizontal in nature. The working group will be chaired by Mr François Perl Director General of the Allowances Department, National Institute for Health and Disability Insurance, Belgium.