The 128th Meeting of the Bureau of the International Social Security Association (ISSA) was held 27–28 June 2024, Geneva, Switzerland.
The Bureau is made up of elected members representing Africa, the Americas, Asia and the Pacific, and Europe, in addition to the ISSA President, the Treasurer and the Secretary General. It is the administrative authority of the Association, overlooking programme priorities, activities, finances, membership and other key areas. The Bureau was informed that the ISSA membership has increased since its last meeting in June 2023, currently counting 334 member institutions in 162 countries, and the financial situation of the Association is sound. Adjacent to the Bureau, meetings of the Nominations Committee, the Finance Committee of the Bureau and the Working Group of the ISSA Bureau on Constitutional Amendments were held.
The ISSA President, Dr Mohammed Azman, reported to the Bureau on his very active programme of activities, participating in meetings, events and discussions to promote social security and the role of social security administrations around the globe. He also announced that he would be looking forward to welcoming ISSA members to the World Social Security Forum to take place from 29 September to 3 October 2025 in his home country Malaysia.
The Secretary General Marcelo Abi-Ramia Caetano presented the activities of the ISSA since the last Bureau meeting and on the status of the implementation of the ISSA programme and budget for the 2023 – 2025 triennium. Since last year, the ISSA has organized regional forums for the Americas and for Europe, two international conferences – ACT 2023 and ICT 2024, a range of technical seminars around the world, diploma training activities, webinars and more. Knowledge production has also been continuous with regular analysis articles and a number of publications. All materials are available on the website. The ISSA is also strengthening its partnership with the ILO, is active as part of the Global Coalition for Social Justice, and provides knowledge input to the G20 and the BRICS platforms. The close collaboration was also highlighted by Shahra Razavi, Director of the ILO’s Universal Social Protection department, who greeted the Bureau on behalf of the ILO Director-General.
The ISSA Treasurer, Jean-Marc Vandenbergh, reported on the financial situation of the ISSA at the end of 2023 and highlighted that the budgetary situation for the current triennium is stable. The Chairperson of the ISSA Control Commission, Fabian Pilzecker, supported this view and confirmed the proper financial governance of the Association.
The next Bureau meeting will be held in January 2025 and will, among other matters, discuss proposals for the ISSA programme of activities for the triennium 2026–2028. This will be followed by meetings in June and in the framework of the World Social Security Forum.