Excellence in administration

  • ISSA Guidelines:
  • Communication by Social Security Administrations

Excellence in administration

  • ISSA Guidelines:
  • Communication by Social Security Administrations

Communication by Social Security Administrations -
Guideline 4. Consulting and engaging with stakeholders

The institution remains in touch with its internal and external stakeholders in order to listen before speak.

It is important to maintain ongoing engagement and active listening to ensure that the institution proactively adapts and responds to its environment. This openness must be sustained by concrete actions if it is to be credible both inside and outside the institution. A consultation framework defines the basic essentials that support effective interaction with the institution’s intended audience. The consultation framework includes the communication objectives to be achieved, the target stakeholders, the channels to be used, the human and ICT support to be provided, the timelines, and the mechanisms for stakeholder feedback and exchange. This enables mechanisms to co-construct customer feedback barometers that are to be established with the business directorates, which is essential for evaluating communication.

It is also possible to extend several customer feedback mechanisms to the dashboards.