Excellence in administration

  • Guidelines:
  • Actuarial Work for Social Security

Excellence in administration

  • Guidelines:
  • Actuarial Work for Social Security

Actuarial Work for Social Security -
Guideline 10. Reporting

In preparing a report on the actuarial valuation of a social security scheme, an actuary considers legislative requirements and relevant professional standards and guidance, as well as the intended audience.

A report on the actuarial valuation of a social security programme could be considered as a final product of the actuarial valuation process. It is a tool that provides stakeholders with information necessary to make responsible decisions with respect to a social security scheme. As such, a social security institution as well as the actuary should make every effort to prepare a comprehensive, transparent and explicit report on the actuarial valuation. This guideline should be read in conjunction with Guidelines 2, 12, 26, 27, 28 and 29.