Social Insurance Administration

Client Ombudsman

Implementation year

The Social Insurance Administration (Tryggingastofnun ríkisins –TR) Client Ombudsman of Iceland is a new position, which started at the end of 2022. The main role of the Client Ombudsman is to guide customers in the handling of cases at TR and to assist those who do not feel that they have received substantial consideration or solutions in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.

The Ombudsman is a neutral service provider that operates independently within the institution in the service of the customer. The Ombudsman is the client’s advocate and makes an evaluation on whether cases have been handled in accordance with applicable law and good administrative practices.

The Client Ombudsman compiles information on general reforms that can be implemented to improve service quality and heads up an internal committee that meets quarterly to discuss the implementation of planned reforms.

Through this process, the Client Ombudsman aims to promote improved practices with the guiding principle that equality is respected in all aspects within the organization and that cases are handled in accordance with the applicable law and good administrative practices. With this in mind, the Ombudsman educates and informs staff and guides them.

Governance and administration
Service quality
Labour protection mechanisms