National Social Security Institute

Social security education programme: Virtual learning environment

Implementation year

The Brazilian social security system is composed of three schemes: The General Social Security Scheme (Regime Geral de Previdência Social – RGPS), the Own Social Security Scheme (Regime Próprio de Previdência Social – RPPS), and the Complementary Pension Scheme (Regime de Previdência Complementar – RPC).

The National Social Security Institute (Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social − INSS) of Brazil, guarantees the maintenance of income to the beneficiaries of the RGPS, due to incapacity, involuntary unemployment, advanced age, length of service, family responsibilities, and the imprisonment or death of those from whom individuals were economically dependent.

However, most of the Brazilian population is still unaware of the requirements and means to access social security benefits and services.

Therefore, in 2000, the social security education programme (Programa de Educação Previdenciária – PEP) was created, a government social programme aimed at guiding and informing citizens about their pension rights and duties, promoting social protection, inclusion and the permanence of workers in the RGPS.

The programme is executed through various actions and modalities. One of its largest fronts of action is the PEP School, a virtual learning environment that has been offering free access to courses, podcasts, tutorials, online lectures, videos and educational materials to the population since 2018.

Social assistance
Social policies & programmes