As part of the process to develop the Retirement Savings System (SAR) for the benefit of working people, the general provisions to which Retirement Fund Administrators must adhere in relation to their outreach staff were modified in February 2022, creating the role of Pension Advisor. Their main objective will be to advise and manage procedures and services related to workers’ retirement savings accounts, in order to encourage account registration and promote voluntary savings.
The Pension Advisors must have certified specialized knowledge in the matter. For this purpose, Mexico’s National Commission of the Retirement Savings System (Comisión Nacional del Sistema de Ahorro para el Retiro – CONSAR) and the National Center for the Evaluation of Higher Education (Centro Nacional para la Evaluación de la Educación Superior – CENEVAL) designed a certification exam to formally recognize employees that have the knowledge and skills to work in this role.
Therefore, in 2022, CONSAR opened the call for the first Pension Advisor Certification Examination (Examen para la Certificación de Asesores Previsionales – ECAP).