The Single Digital Record (Acta Digital Única – ADU) of Argentina’s Superintendency of Occupational Risks (Superintendencia de Riesgos del Trabajo – SRT) is a public instrument for ensuring that inspections comply with standards on the prevention of occupational risks in employer establishments. These inspections are carried out by over 100 SRT inspectors and 470 inspectors from the Local Labour Administrators (Administradoras de Trabajo Local – ATL) from the provincial jurisdictions.
The ADU was designed to help move forward in the process of digitalization and move away from paper reporting, as well as to standardize the reporting system. In the initial version, reports were uploaded to an online system after the inspection was carried out. Today, the ADU has evolved into a mobile app that lets inspectors draft reports onsite using geolocation, with no need for a permanent Internet connection. It enables systematic, intuitive uploading, with streamlined data flows for inspections conducted by all SRT inspectors and ATL agents.