Mexican Social Security Institute

Deliberate clinical simulation practice involving the development of artificial skin

Implementation year

The creation of artificial skin is an innovative technological development that has the potential to revolutionize the education and learning process. It is a tool with a new and exciting approach that makes it possible to create realistic and authentic products that imitate the feel of human skin. This is particularly important in health education where students need to have a deep understanding of the functioning of the human body.

Through deliberate practices in clinical simulation with the grafting of fake skin, the Nursing School of the XXI Century National Medical Centre (Escuela de Enfermería Centro Médico Nacional Siglo XXI) of the Mexican Social Security Institute (Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social – IMSS), students learn the procedures in a uniform manner by acquiring skills in clinical practice focused on administering medications, caring for skin and preventing injuries, as well as on limiting and preventing health-care-related infections, and preventing sentinel, adverse and near-miss events. This creates a scenario that is close to the reality that the student will face, on the basis of the four pillars of education presented below.

Prevention of occupational risks
Governance and administration
Human resource management
Service quality