Law No. 1493 of 8 July 2020 establishes the payment of family and prenatal benefits by the Principality of Monaco’s Social Security Fund for the Self-Employed (Caisse d’assurance maladie, accident et maternité des travailleurs indépendants – CAMTI). The benefits paid out are of equal value to those in the scheme for employed workers, the Social Services Compensation Fund (Caisse de compensation des services sociaux – CCSS).
The aim was to extend the family benefits service to the entirety of the Principality of Monaco’s working population, including the self-employed.
This proved a real challenge for the Monaco Social Security Funds (Caisses sociales de Monaco – CSM) as the establishment of this new scheme involved:
- Identifying those eligible;
- Ensuring a high quality of service (advice, support, etc.) in setting up files; and
- Being able to begin paying out benefits as soon as the new law came into effect.
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