Regional Social Security Forum for the Americas

22 - 24 novembre 2017 |  MontevideoUruguay


Regional Social Security Forum for the Americas

22 - 24 novembre 2017 |  MontevideoUruguay

The Regional Social Security Forum for the Americas will take place in Montevideo, Uruguay, from 22 to 24 November 2017, at the invitation of the Social Insurance Bank (BPS) of Uruguay.

The Forum will provide a key platform for participants to share information and discuss the most important regional social security challenges and priority issues in the Americas. Member institutions will be invited to identify innovative responses and shape the programme in a survey, which will be sent to all members in the region.

A highlight of the Forum will be the ISSA Good Practice Award for the Americas recognizing achievements in the region.

The Forum is open to ISSA members from the Americas and invited participants only. The languages of the Forum will be English and Spanish, and simultaneous interpretation will be provided in these languages. There is no registration fee for ISSA members. Participants are responsible for their travel and accommodation costs.

Hosted by


Social Insurance Bank (BPS), Uruguay


Social Insurance Bank (BPS), Uruguay