Profils de pays


Profils de pays


Pensions complémentaires (obligatoires)

Updated: 31 décembre 2018

2003: Social Insurance Code; regulates the publicly managed social security scheme and the mandatory and voluntary private pension schemes and the establishment and licensing of pension insurance companies. It also regulates issues related to the mandatory and voluntary private pension schemes, such as the issuance of the authorizations for establishment and management of the universal, professional and voluntary pension funds and the voluntary pension funds with occupational schemes, coverage, investment of fund assets, accounting and reporting rules for the funds and the managing companies, and fees.

2003: Financial Supervision Commission Act; provides for the establishment, scope of activities, structure, functions, and operation of the Financial Supervision Commission (FSC).

There are 4 types of private pension funds in Bulgaria:

- Universal pension funds;
- Professional pension funds;
- Voluntary pension funds;
- Voluntary pension funds with occupational schemes.

All of the private pension funds in Bulgaria are legal entities that are separate from the pension insurance company which has established them. The Bulgarian private pension funds offer defined contribution schemes. The contributions are accumulated in the individual accounts of the fund members. All persons who are born after 31 December 1959 and are insured in the publicly managed pension security scheme, must become members of a mandatory private pension scheme by joining a universal pension fund, established and managed by a pension insurance company. The covered persons must join a universal pension fund by applying to the pension insurance company of their choice within three months of becoming covered by the publicly managed social security scheme. Any persons who have not chosen a universal pension fund on their own are allocated ex officio to a registered universal fund. The membership is based on a contract between the individual and the pension insurance company.

The persons working under labour categories I and II (i.e. employees working under hazardous conditions) must, in addition to the universal pension fund, become a member of a professional pension fund. The professional pension funds cover all workers in these labour categories, irrespective of their age. A professional pension fund is established and managed by a pension insurance company to provide for the payment of early retirement benefits until retirement age (see section Retirement benefits). The professional pension funds are not employer-sponsored funds and individuals join them by applying to the pension insurance company of their choice, without reference to their employer. Any persons who have not chosen a professional pension fund on their own are allocated ex officio to a registered professional fund. The Council of Ministers determines which occupations are classified in the respective labour categories. Neither the scheme members nor their employers have the right to pay in the mandatory pension funds additional contributions except for those defined in the Social Insurance Code. They may, however, contribute to a voluntary pension fund or a voluntary pension fund with occupational schemes.

The voluntary private pension schemes are not covered further in the following sections.

All funds: The universal and professional pension funds are independent legal entities which must be created and managed by a pension insurance company, which is a licensed joint-stock company.

The single business aim of pension insurance companies must be the establishment and management of private pension funds. A pension insurance company may only establish and manage one universal and one professional pension fund.

Each pension insurance company must have a minimum capital of BGN 5 million and must obtain a licence from the Financial Supervision Commission.

Founders and stockholders of the pension companies may be:

- Bulgarian individuals or legal entities;
- natural persons who are nationals of another EU Member State;
- legal persons who have their registered office in another EU Member State;
- foreign legal entities which are registered as a social insurance institution, insurance institution or another financial institution under their national legislation and are subject to specialised financial supervision These entities may hold shares in only one pension insurance company carrying out activities in the country.

There are detailed fit and proper requirements to the persons who possess directly or indirectly qualified holdings in the pension insurance companies. The acquiring of qualified holdings in the company is subject to prior approval by the FSC.

The members of the managing and the supervisory bodies of a pension insurance company, the persons entitled to manage or represent it, as well as the persons who hold management positions within such a company, must have sufficient professional qualification, good reputation, integrity, adequate knowledge and experience to run the company in a stable and prudent manner.

A member of the managing body and a managing agent of a pension insurance company may only be a person with full legal capacity who:
- holds a Master degree, in a field appropriate for the management of the company;
- has sufficient professional experience to run the pension insurance company;
- has not been convicted of premeditated crime, as well as for crimes of negligence against property and against the economy, conducted in the Republic of Bulgaria or abroad, unless where rehabilitated;
- has not been deprived of the right to hold an office accountable for assets;
- within the three years preceding the initial date of insolvency declared by a court ruling, has not been a member of a managing or a supervisory body, or a partner with unlimited liability in a company, which is being subject to insolvency proceedings or has been declared insolvent, provided that there are left unsatisfied creditors;
- is not being subject to insolvency proceedings and is not an insolvent debtor whose rights have not been reinstated;
- within the one year preceding the act of the respective competent authority, has not been a member of a managing or a supervisory body, a partner with unlimited liability or a managing agent of a company whose activity is subject to licensing and whose licence has been withdrawn, except in cases where the licence has been withdrawn at the request of the company, or if the act for withdrawal of the issued licence has been repealed in due order;
- has not been dismissed from a managing or a supervisory body of a company or as a managing agent on the basis of a coercive administrative measure imposed, except in cases where the order issued by the competent authority has been repealed in due order;
- is not a relative of other member of a managing or a supervisory body of the company;
- is not a member of a managing or a supervisory body of another pension insurance company operating on Bulgarian territory;
- has not been subject to administrative penalties over the last three years for systematic violations of the Social Insurance Code, other laws governing the non-banking financial sector, the laws governing the banking financial sector, or of the relevant legislation of another EU Member State;
- does not give rise to suspicions about his or her reliability and suitability, and is not in conflicts of interest.
Similar requirements exist for the members of the supervisory body of the pension insurance company.

At least one third of the members of the Board of directors (in case of one-tier system) or the Supervisory Board (in case of two tier system) must be independent persons (i.e. persons who are not in close links or in similar relations with the pension insurance company and another member of its board).

The members of the managing and supervisory bodies of the pension insurance company are subject to prior approval by the FSC.

At least one of the persons managing and representing a pension insurance company must be proficient in Bulgarian language. Persons managing and representing a pension insurance company cannot hold another position under an employment agreement, except as associates in research institutes or lecturers in higher education institutions. They must also manage the respective company by being personally present at its headquarters.

The members of the managing and the supervisory bodies of a pension insurance company and its managing agents have obligations to:
- perform their duties competently, prudently and in good faith, in the best interest of the insured persons and the beneficiaries;
- put the interests of the insured persons and the beneficiaries of the pension funds, managed by the pension insurance company, before their own interest and the interest of the company;
- perform their duties in compliance with the applicable legislation and the internal rules of the pension insurance company;
- avoid conflicts of interests and, should any such conflicts arise, disclose them to the relevant body of the company, and neither participate in nor influence the decision making process where any such conflicts exist;
- keep confidentiality in respect of any undisclosed information relating to the supplementary pension insurance activities, the insured persons and the beneficiaries, including after they are no longer members of the relevant managing bodies;
- ensure that the company's activity is in compliance with the applicable Bulgarian law, the directly applicable European Union law, the implementing instruments of the competent authorities of the European Union and the internal rules of the pension insurance company;
- treat fairly, objectively and impartially all pension funds under there management, as well as all insured persons and beneficiaries;
- monitor the efficiency and the effectiveness of the supplementary pension insurance activities, including by assessing the actions and performance of the social insurance intermediaries and other persons in contractual relations with the company.

The pension insurance companies are not allowed to conclude contracts with members of their management and supervisory body and parties who are in close links thereto, except in their capacity as members of the relevant body, shareholders of the pension insurance company, persons insured in the funds managed by the company or beneficiaries.

The pension insurance companies must:

- comply with the legal requirements;

- provide the members with annual statements of their individual accounts and other relevant information (see Section Disclosure of information) ;
- pay benefits in compliance with the contractual requirements;
- make transfer payments to another pension fund if so requested by the insured person.

Each pension insurance company must establish a board of trustees for each mandatory pension fund it manages. The board of trustees consists of an equal number of representatives of the national federations of employers and the national trade unions, plus one member representing the pension insurance company. The board of trustees may make proposals on issues related to the scheme management, but has a strictly advisory role.

A licensed pension insurance company must apply to the FSC and obtain a separate authorization to manage a universal and a professional pension fund. The following documents must be submitted to the FSC:

- the resolution of the General meeting of the licensed pension company to establish a universal or a professional pension fund;
- the Rules of Organization and Operation of the universal or professional pension fund;
- actuarial projections concerning the proposed pension funds and the full name and details of the actuary;
- models of social insurance and pension contracts;
- preliminary contracts with a custodian bank and an investment intermediary;
- a financial statement of the pension insurance company as at the end of the previous month;
- information on the software and hardware of the IT system of the pension insurance company;
- information on the organizational structure of the company and its staff;
- the investment policy of the universal or professional pension fund;
- the internal rules on the procedures of monitoring, measuring and managing the risk related to the investments of supplementary compulsory pension insurance fund;
- proof of payment of a fee for examination of documents.

After obtaining authorization to manage a mandatory pension fund, the pension insurance company must file an application with the competent District Court for registration of the pension fund, within 6 months, and submit, among others, the following documents to the court:

- the pension fund management authorization;
- the Rules of Operation and Organization of the respective pension fund;
- the resolution of the General meeting of the pension company to establish the mandatory pension fund;
- a certificate of current legal status of the pension insurance company;
- a list of all members of the managing bodies of the pension insurance company;
- the licence of the pension insurance company;
- the full name and details of all persons managing and representing the pension insurance company.

The respective District Court must review the application for registration within 14 days of its receipt. The name of the fund, the headquarters and the management address of the pension insurance company establishing the fund, as well as the details of the pension insurance company's representatives, are then entered into the court register.

The rules of operation and organization of the universal and professional pension funds are subject to approval by the FSC.

The pension funds do not have separate managing bodies. The managing board or board of directors of the pension insurance company is also the managing body of the fund and its tasks include affiliation of members, benefit administration, portfolio management, pension payments, disclosure of information to members, marketing, internal control and ensuring compliance with legal requirements.

Contributions to a mandatory private pension scheme are part of the total social security contribution collected by the National Revenue Agency, which transfers the contributions to the respective funds.


Covered population

Mandatory universal funds: The public and private sector employees and self-employed persons born after 31 December 1959 must become members of a mandatory universal fund.

Mandatory professional funds: All employees, regardless of their age, who work in occupations classified in labour categories I and II (i.e. employees working under hazardous conditions) must become members of a mandatory professional fund. The Council of Ministers determines which occupations are classified in the respective labour categories.

Enforcement of affiliation

All funds: The eligible persons who have not chosen a mandatory universal fund (and a mandatory professional fund, if required) within three months of taking up employment are affiliated to one of the registered universal funds (and a mandatory professional fund, if appropriate).

The ex officio allocation of members who have not chosen a fund is carried out by a commission composed of representatives of the National Revenue Agency (NRA), the FSC and the Bulgarian Association of Supplementary Pension Security Companies four times a year. The number of members allocated to each pension fund is determined by specific criteria.

Sources of funds

All funds: The contributions to the mandatory private pension schemes are part of the total social security contribution and are determined in the Social Insurance Code.

Member contributions

Mandatory universal funds: As of 1 January 2018, 2.2 per cent of insured salary (i.e. 44 per cent of the total employer and employee contribution of 5 per cent).

The self-employed persons contribute 5 per cent of declared earnings.

The minimum monthly earnings considered for contribution purposes in 2018 are between BGN 510 and BGN 1763 for employees, 510 for self-employed persons and BGN 350 for agricultural workers.

The maximum monthly earnings considered for contribution purposes are BGN 2600 in 2018.

Mandatory professional funds: None.

Employer contributions

Mandatory universal funds: 2.8 per cent of insured salary (i.e. 56 per cent of the total employer and employee contribution of 5 per cent).

The minimum monthly earnings considered for contribution purposes in 2018 are between BGN 510 and BGN 1763 for employees and BGN 350 for agricultural workers.

The maximum monthly earnings considered for contribution purposes are BGN 2600 in 2018.

Mandatory professional funds: 12 per cent for employed persons under labour category I and 7 per cent for employed persons under labour category II.

The minimum monthly earnings considered for contribution purposes in 2018 are between BGN 510 and BGN 1763 for employees and BGN 350 for agricultural workers.

The maximum monthly earnings considered for contribution purposes are BGN 2600 in 2018.

Other sources of funds

All funds: None.

Methods of Financing

All funds: The members' contributions are accumulated in their individual accounts.

Asset Management

All funds: Each pension insurance company may establish and manage only one universal and one professional pension fund.

The pension insurance companies are responsible for the management of fund assets. The pension insurance company is required to conclude a contract for investment advice in respect of financial instruments with a natural or legal person who satisfies the requirements of the applicable legislation.

The fund assets must be invested collectively with the care of a prudent person, observing the principles of reliability, liquidity, profitability and diversification in the best interest of members. The investment return is allocated to the individual accounts in proportion to their share of the total fund assets.

The mandatory pension insurance contributions, and any resources transferred from another pension insurance fund, are recorded and accrued in the individual account of each insured person. Each insured person may have only one individual account with a universal and, respectively, a professional fund. The individual account is kept in terms of BGN and units. The mandatory pension insurance contributions and any resources transferred from another fund are accounted in terms of units and fractions of units. Each unit represents a proportional part of the net assets of the fund. All units in a fund are equal in value. The value of all units and fractions of units in the fund is equal to the value of the net assets of the fund. The return on the investment of the resources of the fund is distributed to each individual account by the determination of the value of the unit. No reallocation of resources and units between individual accounts is permitted.

A pension insurance company may invest the financial resources of a supplementary mandatory pension insurance fund solely in:

1. debt securities issued or guaranteed by:
a) an EU Member State, the obligations under which constitute government debt, or by the central bank of such Member State;
b) the European Central Bank or by the European Investment Bank;
c) a third country designated by an ordinance of the FSC, the obligations under which constitute government debt, or by the central bank of such third country, which debt securities are admitted to trading in a regulated market in an EU Member State or an official stock exchange market, or in another organised market in a third country, functioning regularly, recognised and publicly available;
d) a third country outside those specified in letter "c", the obligations under which constitute government debt, or by the central bank of such third country, which debt securities are admitted to trading in a regulated market in an EU Member State;
e) international financial organisations; in such cases the securities shall have an investment rating;
2. bonds issued by:
a) a local authority of an EU Member State;
b) a local authority of a third country designated by an ordinance of the FSC; in such cases the bonds shall have an investment rating and shall be admitted to trading in a regulated market in an EU Member State or an official stock exchange market, or in another organised market in a third country, functioning regularly, recognised and publicly available;
c) a local authority of third country outside those specified in letter "c"; in such cases the bonds shall have an investment rating and shall be admitted to trading in a regulated market in an EU Member State;
3. bonds issued or underwritten by certain banks, whereby the resolution of the general meeting of shareholders and the offer to contract a bond loan contain an obligation to require admittance of the said bonds to trading on a regulated market in an EU Member State and to have the bonds admitted to trading on a regulated market in an EU Member State within a period not exceeding six months after the issuing of the said bonds; the aforementioned banks shall be institutions in which the stake held by the state exceeds 50 per cent and which have obtained approval to carry out banking activities according to the legislation of an EU Member State, with a view to funding long-term and medium-term infrastructure projects.
4. corporate bonds admitted to trading in:
a) a regulated market in an EU Member State;
b) an official stock exchange market or in another organised market in a third country, functioning regularly, recognised and publicly available; in such cases the bonds shall have an investment rating;
5. bank deposits with banks which are assigned a minimum credit rating and which have been granted authorisation to carry on business in the territory of an EU Member State;
6. shares units other than shares of a collective investment scheme, as well as rights and options thereon:
a) traded in a regulated market in an EU Member State;
b) traded in an official stock exchange market or in another organised market in a third country, functioning regularly, recognised and publicly available; in such cases the shares and/or units shall be included in indices of such markets;
c) preferred shares of an issuer whose shares are included in the indices referred to in letter "b";
7. shares, offered under the terms of an initial public offering pursuant to the legislation of the member state, for which a prospectus has been approved and published, providing for the obligation for securities acceptance request and securities to be admitted to trading on a regulated market in an EU Member State within 12 months of their issuing;
8. bonds offered under the terms of an initial public offering pursuant to the legislation of a Member State, for which a prospectus has been approved and published, providing for the obligation for bonds acceptance request and bonds to be admitted to trading on a regulated market in an EU Member State within 12 months of their issuing;
9. secured corporate bonds in respect of which the resolution of the general meeting of shareholders and the offer to contract a bond loan contain an obligation to require admittance of to trading on a regulated market, as well as to have the bonds admitted to trading on a regulated market within a period not exceeding six months after the issuing of the said bonds, and where it is stipulated that the requirements of the Public Offering of Securities Act regarding the bondholders' trustee and the securing a public bond issue will apply, mutatis mutandis, to the said bonds;
10. shares in:
a) any special purpose investment company licensed according to the procedure established by the Special Purpose Investment Companies Act, as well as in rights referred to in Item 3 of § 1 of the Supplementary Provisions to the Public Offering of Securities Act, issued upon an increase of the capital of the company;
b) any collective investment scheme the exclusive object of which is investment in real estate, which has been authorised to carry on business under the law of an EU Member State, which is supervised, and the shares in which are admitted to trading on a regulated market in an EU Member State;
11. shares and/or units issued by collective investment scheme established in an EU Member State or in a third country designated by an ordinance of the FSC;
12. shares and/or units in alternative investment funds managed by a person, authorised pursuant to the requirements of Directive 2011/61/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2011 on Alternative Investment Fund Managers and amending Directives 2003/41/EC and 2009/65/EC and Regulations (EC) No. 1060/2009 and (EU) No. 1095/2010 (OJ, L 174/1 of 1.7.2011);
13. investment properties in an EU Member State.
The countries in the European Economic Area are also considered EU Member States for the purposes of the above-mentioned provisions.

Of total fund assets invested:

No more than 5 per cent of the assets of a supplementary mandatory pension insurance fund may be invested in financial instruments issued by a single issuer, and this restriction:
1. shall not include the debt securities referred to in letters "a" and "b" of the financial instruments under Item 1 above;
2. shall not include the debt securities with investment rating referred to in letter "c" of Item 1 above;
3. where the issuer is a bank, the restriction shall also include any bank deposits with the said bank, the value of the reverse repo transactions with it and the value of the net exposure under currency forward contracts and interest rate swap agreements with this bank;
4. where the issuer is a financial institution, the restriction shall also include the value of the net exposure under currency forward contracts and interest rate swap agreements with this institution.

The total value of investments of a supplementary mandatory insurance fund in financial instruments issued by companies within the same group and persons with which such companies are in close links may not exceed 10 per cent of the fund's assets. This restriction shall also include:
1. any bank deposits of the fund with banks within the group and banks which are in close links with companies within the group, the value of the reverse repo transactions with such banks and the value of the net exposure under currency forward contracts and interest rate swap agreements with such banks;
2. the value of the net exposure under currency forward contracts and interest rate swap agreements with financial institutions within the group and financial institutions which are in close links with companies within the group.
(3) No more than 10 per cent of the assets of a supplementary mandatory pension insurance fund may be invested in any securities referred to in letter "d" of Item 1 above.
(4) No more than 10 per cent of the assets of a supplementary mandatory pension insurance fund may be invested in any securities referred to in letter "e" of Item 1 above.
(5) No more than 15 per cent of the assets of a supplementary mandatory pension insurance fund may be invested in securities referred to in Item 2 above, and no more than 5 per cent of the said assets may be invested in bonds issued by a local authority and not traded in a regulated market.
(6) No more than 10 per cent of the assets of a supplementary mandatory pension insurance fund may be invested in any financial instruments referred to in Item 3 above.
(7) No more than 30 per cent of the assets of a supplementary mandatory pension insurance fund may be invested in any financial instruments referred to in Item 4 above.
(8) No more than 25 per cent of the assets of a supplementary mandatory pension insurance as a whole fund may be invested in bank deposits, whereas investments in bank deposits with a single bank may not exceed 5 per cent of the assets of the said fund.
(9) No more than 25 per cent of the assets of a supplementary mandatory pension insurance fund may be invested in any financial instruments referred to in Item 6 above.
(10) No more than 2 per cent of the assets of a supplementary mandatory pension insurance fund may be invested in any financial instruments referred to in Item 7 above.
(11) No more than 2 per cent of the assets of a supplementary mandatory pension insurance fund may be invested in any financial instruments referred to in Item 8 above.
(12) No more than 1 per cent of the assets of a supplementary mandatory pension insurance fund may be invested in any financial instruments referred to in Item 9 above.
(13) No more than 5 per cent of the assets of a supplementary mandatory pension insurance fund may be invested in financial instruments referred to in Item 10 above, and no more than 1 per cent of the assets of the fund may be invested in special purpose investment companies performing securitisation of assets.
(14) No more than 20 per cent of the assets of a supplementary mandatory pension insurance fund may be invested in financial instruments referred to in Item 11 above, and no more than 5 per cent of the assets of the fund may be invested in units in collective investment schemes managed by the same management company.
(15) No more than 1 per cent of the assets of a supplementary mandatory pension insurance fund may be invested in any financial instruments referred to in Item 12 above.
(16) No more than 20 per cent of the assets of a supplementary mandatory pension insurance fund may be denominated in any currency other than Bulgarian leva and euro, except for assets the currency risk associated with which is limited through concluded hedging transactions.
(17) No more than 5 per cent of the assets of a supplementary mandatory pension insurance fund may be invested in any investment property referred to in Item 13 above.
(18) The specific requirements for and restrictions of the investments of the supplementary mandatory pension insurance fund shall be set out in the fund's investment policy.


A pension insurance company may not invest the financial resources of a supplementary mandatory pension insurance fund in:
1. financial instruments issued by the pension insurance company which manages the said fund or by the parties related to the said company;
2. financial instruments issued by the custodian bank of the fund or persons in close links therewith;
3. bank deposits in a bank which is a related party the pension insurance company;
4. shares and/or units issued by collective investment scheme referred to in Item 11 above and by an alternative investment fund referred to in Item 12 above, managed by a person related to the pension insurance company;
5. financial instruments which are not fully paid up.

(2) The assets of a supplementary mandatory pension insurance fund may not be acquired by:
1. the pension insurance company;
2. persons related to the pension insurance company;
3. another supplementary pension insurance fund managed by the pension insurance company;
4. the custodian bank of the fund or persons in close links therewith;
5. any person in close links therewith;
6. any collective investment scheme or another collective investment undertaking managed by a person related to the pension insurance company.

(3) A supplementary compulsory pension insurance fund may not acquire any assets of the persons covered under Paragraph (2).

(4) The prohibition of acquisition under Paragraphs (2) and (3) shall not apply in the cases of a transaction concluded in a regulated market in an EU Member State or an official stock exchange market, or in another organised market in a third country, functioning regularly, recognised and publicly available.

(5) The pension insurance company may not carry out short selling and margin purchases of financial instruments in the name of a supplementary compulsory pension insurance fund managed thereby.

(6) Acting on behalf and for the account of a supplementary mandatory pension insurance fund managed thereby, a pension insurance company may not acquire or transfer on a regulated market financial instruments referred to in Items 6 and 10 above by means of transactions which, according to the trading rules of the relevant regulated market, are subject only to registration on the said market. This prohibition shall not apply to transactions involving shares which are the subject matters of commercial offers.

(7) The investment property owned by a supplementary mandatory pension insurance fund cannot be used for the needs of the pension insurance company which manages the said fund and of the parties related to the said company.

Please note that the provisions on the investments described above enter in force on 18.11.2018.

The assets of a mandatory pension fund must be kept by one custodian bank pursuant to a custodian services contract between the pension insurance company managing the fund and the custodian bank.

All financial resources of the mandatory pension fund must be transferred to the custodian bank. Within five working days, the pension insurance company must give written instructions to the custodian bank regarding the investment of the cash received. At the end of each working day, the custodian bank must send to the FSC information concerning the cash received, the transactions undertaken and the assets of the mandatory pension funds. The custodian bank is obliged to immediately notify the FSC of any violation of the Social Insurance Code and the statutory instruments on its application by the pension insurance company the bank establishes in the course of its custodial obligations. Upon request the custodian bank must provide the FSC with the entire information it has in connection with the performance of its custodial obligations. The custodian bank is liable to the pension insurance company, to the supplementary pension insurance fund, before the insured persons and the pensioners for all damages which are the direct and immediate consequence of non-performance of its custodial obligations, including incomplete, inaccurate and untimely performance, where such non-performance is due to reasons for which the custodian bank is responsible.

Preservation, portability, transferability

All funds: The covered persons must choose one mandatory universal fund and (if required) one mandatory professional fund.

After having been members of the universal or professional pension fund for one year, members may transfer the individual account balances, including all investment returns, to another fund of the respective type. Also, members are entitled to transfer their money in case of amendments in the rules for organization and operation of the pension fund, which are not related to amendments in the legislation.

The pension insurance company managing the former fund must transfer the individual account balance to the new fund. The individual account must be kept in BGN and in units, where each unit represents a proportional part of the fund's net assets. All units in a fund must have the same value and be determined in accordance with the legal requirements.

The members of the universal and the professional pension funds are also allowed to transfer their individual accounts balances to the pension schemes of the EU when commencing employment in the institutions of the EU, the European Central Bank and the European Investment Bank. The employees of the institutions of the EU, the European Central Bank and the European Investment Bank are entitled to transfers from these pension schemes to the universal pension funds and the public social insurance after the termination of employment.

Mandatory universal funds:
The universal pension fund members can change their insurance to the State Social Insurance and back to the universal pension fund once per year until they reach an age 5 years lower than the statutory retirement age in case they have not started receiving an old-age pension from the public state pension scheme.

Mandatory professional funds:
The professional pension fund members are entitled to change once their insurance to the State Social Insurance in case they have not started receiving an early-retirement pension from the professional pension fund.

The pension company may charge a fee of up to BGN 10 in case of transfers to the above-mentioned EU pension schemes.

Retirement Benefits

Benefit qualifying conditions

Mandatory universal funds: The eligibility for pension from these funds depends on the eligibility for a pension under the publicly managed social security scheme.

The retirement age is 64 years and 1 month for men and 61 years and 2 months for women and 38 years and 6 months of contributory service for men and 35 years and 6 months of contributory service for women. (i.e. length-of-service requirements) (for 2018). The retirement age for men is gradually rising by 1 month per calendar year, until 65 years of age are reached. Until 31 December 2029, the retirement age for women is gradually rising by 2 months per calendar year, and by 3 months per calendar year as of 1 January 2030, until 65 years of age are reached. After 31 December 2037 the retirement age will be linked to the increase of the average life expectancy. The length of contributory service is gradually rising by 2 months per calendar year until attainment of 37 years of contributory service in the case of women and 40 years of contributory service in the case of men.

Where the length-of-service requirements are not met, the retirement age is 66 years and 2 months for both women and men, provided that the person has at least 15 years of actual contributory service (for 2018). The retirement age is rising gradually by 2 months per year until reaching the age of 67 years.

An old-age pension for life may be payable five years before the retirement age with long service (i.e. 64 years and 1 month for men and 61 years and 2 months for women), provided the individual account balance is sufficient to finance a pension at least equal to the minimum long-service old-age pension (BGN 207.60 a month from 1 July 2018) under the publicly managed social security scheme.

Mandatory professional funds: These funds are specifically established to provide early-retirement pensions for employees in labour categories I and II (i.e. employees working under hazardous conditions). The professional pensions for early retirement will be paid until the member reaches the main retirement age.

The following qualifying conditions need to be met for the receipt of an early-retirement pension:

1. at least 10 years of contributory service under the conditions of labour category I after 31 December 1999 and an age shorter than the main retirement age by 10 years;

2. at least 15 years of contributory service under the conditions of labour category II after 31 December 1999 and an age shorter than the main retirement age by 5 years.

Withdrawal of funds before retirement

All funds: Withdrawals are not permitted.

Benefit structure / formula

Mandatory universal funds: Defined contribution.

Benefits are paid as pensions for life and are determined on the basis of the accumulated capital in the individual account of the member and the mortality tables and technical interest rate approved by the Financial Supervision Commission.

If the pension is less than 20 per cent of the social old age pension (BGN 125.58 a month as of 1 July 2018) under the publicly managed social security scheme, the accumulated capital may either be paid as a lump sum or be withdrawn gradually over a certain period of time.

Benefits are paid by the mandatory universal fund of which the person is a member. Members cannot buy annuities from other institutions.

Mandatory professional funds: Defined contribution.

Members of mandatory professional funds are eligible to receive early retirement pensions that are paid until retirement age. The pension is determined on the basis of the accumulated capital in the individual account of the member, the potential period of receipt of the pension and the technical interest rate approved by the Financial Supervision Commission.

Upon retirement, members may withdraw in a lump sum or transfer the accumulated capital in their individual accounts from the mandatory professional fund to a mandatory universal fund, if the qualifying conditions for an early retirement pension are not met.

Benefit adjustment

All funds: There are no legal rules with regard to benefit adjustment.

The indexation of pensions is determined in the operating rules of pension funds. Benefit adjustments are made using excess investment returns. The rate of adjustment is determined on the basis of the difference between the achieved rate of return and the technical interest rate used for determining the pension amount.


Benefit qualifying conditions

All funds: The surviving spouse, as well as descending and ascending relatives, are eligible for survivorship benefits in the case of death of the member.

Benefit structure

All funds: The accumulated capital in the individual account of the deceased is paid as a lump sum or in the form of programmed withdrawals according to the succession shares under the Succession Act. There is no requirement for the survivors to buy annuities.

If there are no survivors, the amount in the individual account is transferred to a pension reserve (mandatory universal pension funds) or to the state budget (mandatory professional pension funds).

Benefit adjustment



Benefit qualifying conditions

All funds: To qualify a member must be declared permanently disabled by the territorial board of health experts. A reduced working capacity of over 89.99 per cent is required.

Benefit structure

All funds: A lump-sum payment is made of up to 50 per cent of the accumulated capital in the individual account of the disabled. There is no requirement for the disabled members to buy an annuity. The remaining 50 per cent in the individual account is paid under normal conditions at retirement age.

Benefit adjustment


Protection of Assets

All funds: The pension fund assets must be held separately from the assets of the pension insurance company managing the fund, since the fund is an independent legal entity. The pension fund assets must not be used to cover losses incurred in connection with the establishment of the pension insurance company, or for operational losses of the pension insurance company.

Custodians must separate the pension fund assets under custody from their own assets.

The pension insurance companies are materially responsible for losses suffered by the members resulting from poor performance of their obligations related to the management of the respective pension funds.

Financial and Technical Requirements / Reporting

All funds: The pension insurance companies must build up a pension reserve to cover unexpected liabilities or investment returns that are lower than the guaranteed minimum (see below). The amount required in the pension reserve is determined in an ordinance of the Financial Supervision Commission. A pension insurance company must not pay any dividends to its shareholders before it has built up a pension reserve.

An actuary must be appointed to prepare an annual actuarial report, including the status of the pension reserve, and submit it to the FSC.

The pension insurance companies must guarantee a minimum rate of return on the investment of mandatory pension funds' assets. The minimum rate of return is calculated on the basis of the returns achieved by all funds of the same type in the past 24-month period. It is calculated separately by the FSC for the universal and professional pension funds at the end of each quarter.

The minimum rate of return for the respective types of pension funds represents 60 per cent of the average rate of return achieved or 3 percentage points lower than the average, whichever of the two figures is smaller.

When a mandatory pension fund does not achieve the minimum rate of return, the pension insurance company administering the fund must, within 10 days from its announcement, make up the difference to the minimum rate with reserves that have been created especially for this purpose.

Where the rate of return achieved by a universal or an occupational pension fund exceeds by over 40 per cent the average rate of return achieved for the respective type of pension fund or exceeds the average by 3 percentage points, whichever of the two figures is greater, the resources resulting from return above this percentage are set aside for a reserve by the respective fund.
The value of the reserves at each pension fund may not exceed 1 per cent of the fund's net assets. The pension insurance company establishes, out of its own funds, a reserve for each mandatory pension insurance fund that it manages, thereby to an amount not less than 1 per cent and not more than 3 per cent of the net assets of the respective fund. Where the resources in the reserve within the fund are insufficient, the pension insurance company must make up the deficit from the resources of the reserve established at the pension insurance company.

The pension company must keep separate accounts for the mandatory universal pension fund and the mandatory professional pension fund which it manages and must also prepare separate financial statements for each of them. The company must submit to the FSC monthly reports of the mandatory pension funds under its management, within 20 days of the end of each month.

At the end of each financial year, the pension insurance company must prepare separate financial statements for the company and its mandatory universal pension fund and mandatory professional pension fund, in compliance with the provisions of the Accountancy Act, the applicable accounting standards, and the provisions of the Social Insurance Code. The annual financial statements must be audited and verified by two specialized auditing companies, which are registered auditors according to the Independent Financial Audit Act.

The registered auditors also carry out examinations and:
1. express an audit opinion on the fair presentation of the property and financial condition and the financial result of the pension insurance company and of the supplementary mandatory pension insurance funds managed thereby;
2. prepare a report confirming that the annual accounts for supervisory purposes are prepared on the basis of the audited annual financial statements of the company and of the supplementary mandatory pension insurance funds managed thereby and the information in them is consistent in all material aspects;
3. express an audit opinion on the compliance of the management system with the requirements of the Social Insurance Code and the statutory instruments for its application.

The audited financial statements must be adopted by the general meeting of the shareholders of the pension insurance company and then be submitted to the FSC and published in the state gazette.


All funds:
The auditors of the annual financial statements of the pension insurance companies and the pension funds they manage are obliged to inform the FSC for circumstances that constitute violations of the legal framework, may affect the normal functions of the pension insurance company and/or the funds managed by it, may lead to a situation in which the company or the funds cannot meet their obligations, may cause significant damage to the company or the funds, lead to a refusal by the auditors to express an opinion on the financial statements or to the expression of a qualified opinion or concern untrue or incomplete data in the reports presented by the company to the FSC.

The risk management unit, the internal control unit and the internal auditor must inform the FSC, in case it has informed the managing body of the company and it has not taken appropriate and timely remedial measures in case of significant risk that the company or a pension fund does not meet a significant statutory requirement and this can endanger the interests of the members/pensioners and in case of significant violation of the legal framework.

The custodians must inform the FSC of any violation of legal requirements by a pension insurance company.

Standards for service providers

All funds: The custodian must be a bank selected from a list established and approved by the Bulgarian National Bank in coordination with the Financial Supervision Commission (FSC).

The audit of the annual financial statements of the pension insurance companies and the pension funds is carried out jointly by two specialised auditing companies. The choice of the pension insurance company of the specialized auditing companies is subject to prior approval by the FSC.

Actuarial services may only be provided by a responsible actuary. The recognition of the capacity of a responsible actuary is carried out by the FSC and the applicants are required to demonstrate that they meet specific education, professional qualification and experience criteria.


All funds: The maximum amounts of the fees and deductions that may be charged by the pension insurance companies are specified in the Social Insurance Code. Fees exceeding the legal limits or types of charges, other than those defined in the law, must not be charged.

The pension insurance companies may charge a percentage of each contribution in a manner, according to a procedure and at a rate established in the rules of organization and operation of the pension fund. The maximum rate may not exceed 4 per cent of the amount of each contribution (for 2018; for 2019 and the next years the maximum amount is 3.75 per cent).

The pension insurance companies may charge a maximum annual investment fee of 0.8 per cent of the fund assets under management (for 2018; for 2019 and the next years the maximum amount is 0.75 per cent).

The pension company may charge an additional fee of up to BGN 10 for every transfer of the individual account balance to the pension schemes of the EU, the European Central Bank and the European Investment Bank.

The actual fees must be set out in the rules of operation of the pension fund, which must be approved by the Financial Supervision Commission.

Winding up / Merger and acquisition

All funds: Transformation of pension insurance companies may be carried out through merger, acquisition, splitting or spin-off, in accordance with the Social Insurance Code, the Commercial Act and an ordinance issued by the Financial Supervision Commission. All transformations are subject to the prior consent of the FSC, provided that the company:

- proves that it will be solvent after the transformation;
- the rights of the insured persons and the pensioners are preserved.

The winding up of a pension insurance company is carried out by decision of the general meeting of the shareholders of the company (i.e. voluntary termination) or after the termination of its licence by the FSC (i.e. enforced termination). Winding up is also carried out in case a pension insurance company has been declared insolvent by a court ruling.

The FSC is the only entity entitled to initiate proceedings for bankruptcy of a pension insurance company. A recovery plan may not be proposed during the insolvency proceedings of a pension insurance company.

Upon transformation or termination of a pension insurance company, the company that receives the accumulated capital in the members' individual accounts must notify the members within one month following the transaction. The members may choose, within one month following the notification, whether to continue to participate in the new pension fund or to transfer their assets to another fund.

Bankruptcy: Insolvency Insurance / Compensation Fund

All funds: There are no legal requirements for the pension insurance companies to buy insurance against low performance or insolvency and no guarantee or compensation fund exists. There are no state guarantees.

Disclosure of information / Individual action

All funds: The members must be informed of the fund operating rules and all amendments and supplements. Upon signing a membership contract, a member may request a certified copy of the operating rules of the pension fund.

By 31 May of each year, each pension insurance company must send to the members free of charge a statement of their individual accounts for the previous year in accordance with a model form approved by the Financial Supervision Commission. On request, the pension insurance company must also provide additional information concerning the individual account, the amount of fees and the deductions from contributions and from the account balance, as well as the real rate of return achieved (nominal rate of return adjusted by inflation).

Upon submission of an application for choosing a pension fund or for transfer to another pension fund the (potential) member receives a key information document with data on the main characteristics of the fund.

The pension insurance company must establish an electronic dossier with the documents concerning the supplementary social insurance of each member. Members have online access to their electronic dossiers and their individual accounts.

The annual financial statements of the pension insurance company and of the mandatory universal fund and mandatory professional pension fund managed by it, adopted by the general meeting, must be submitted to the FSC and published on the company's website. On the company's website are also published key documents such as the rules of organization and operation of the pension funds, the investment policies of the funds, etc.

The member has the right to inform the pension insurance company, the board of trustees of the pension fund and the FSC about any violations in the activity of the pension insurance company.

Other measures

All funds: None.


Taxation of member contributions

Mandatory universal funds: The member contributions are deducted from income prior to taxation.

Taxation of employer contributions

All funds: The employer contributions are tax-exempt as operating expenses.

Taxation of investment income

All funds: The investment income is tax-exempt.

Taxation of benefits

All funds: The benefit payments are tax-exempt.

Financial Supervision Commission (FSC): The FSC is responsible for the licensing and supervision of the pension insurance companies and the mandatory pension funds.

The FSC is a budget-supported legal entity with its headquarters in Sofia. The FSC is an independent institution and reports its activities to the National Assembly. The budget of the FSC is part of the State budget and is prepared, implemented and reported pursuant to the procedure established by the Public Finances Act.

The FSC performs on-site and off-site supervision over the pension insurance companies and has the following main powers in this respect:

- to issue, refuse to issue or withdraw licences/authorizations for the pension insurance companies and the mandatory pension funds;
- to permit or refuse permission for a merger, take-over, spin-off, split or voluntary winding up of the pension insurance companies and pension funds;
- to initiate bankruptcy proceedings against a pension insurance company;
- to prescribe the adoption of specific measures by the pension insurance companies and to restrict their activities;
- to require the pension insurance company to increase its capital;
- to suspend the payment of dividends to the stockholders;
- to issue or to refuse to issue a permission for acquiring qualified holdings in the pension insurance company and to order the stockholders of the company to sell their stocks if certain statutory provisions are violated;
- to issue written orders for the dismissal of one or more persons authorized to manage and represent the pension insurance company.

Financial Supervision Commission
16 Budapeshta str.
1000 Sofia

Tel.: (+359 2) 940 49 99
Fax: (+359 2) 940 46 06


Ministry of Labour and Social Policy: Develops the overall policy for old-age protection, including mandatory private pension schemes.

Ministry of Labour and Social Policy
2, Triaditza Street
1051 Sofia

Tel.: (+359 2) 811 94 43
Fax: (+359 2) 988 44 05; 986 13 18


National Revenue Agency: Collects the mandatory social security contributions and transfers the part of the contributions allocated to the mandatory private pension schemes to the respective pension funds.

National Revenue Agency
52, Dondukov Street
1000 Sofia

Tel.: 0700 18 700


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