23ᵉ Congrès mondial sur la sécurité et la santé au travail

27 - 30 novembre 2023 | SydneyAustralie

23ᵉ Congrès mondial sur la sécurité et la santé au travail

27 - 30 novembre 2023 | SydneyAustralie



The International Media Festival for Prevention (IMFP)

The International Media Festival for Prevention is an integral part of the World Congress on Safety and Health at Work, which takes place every 3 years. The festival offers an overview of films and multimedia productions about safety and health at work from all over the world and provides an opportunity for participants to present their projects to a major group of influential international safety and health professionals.

About the Festival

Since 1990, the Festival has regularly been running in the framework of the World Congress for Safety and Health at Work. An International Jury will come together to determine the winners of the Media Festival from the nominated products. The prizes will be awarded in the presence of a large audience in the Special Media Session at the World Congress.

The Festival Cinema programme, which runs throughout the Congress, will present all nominated and winning productions to an international audience.

Being part of the Media Festival also offers participants the opportunity to see how Occupational Safety and Health is presented in different countries and by different cultures. It provides a unique opportunity to engage with and gain valuable insights from others around the world who share a passion for preventing workplace injuries and illnesses and are committed to improving the lives of workers everywhere.

Submission Procedure and Material Specifications

We welcome media (e.g.: films, music videos, software, apps) on safety and health at work produced from national and international organizations, enterprises and institutions, as well as agencies, filmmakers or individuals.
The submission starts around one year before the Festival takes place. There is no limit on the number of entries submitted or the presentation time of the productions. Please submit your productions to our website: www.mediainprevention.org.


The official languages of the World Congress are English, French, Spanish and German. The submission form must be filled out in one of these languages. However, films and multimedia products themselves can be produced in any other language.

Award Ceremony

An international jury selects the nominees and winners of the International Media Award for Prevention. Prizes will be awarded during the World Congress on Safety and Health during the Special Media Session.

The Organizers

The Festival is organized by the International Section of the ISSA for Electricity, Gas and Water and the International Section of the ISSA on Information for Prevention.


The films that were submitted since 2014, including winners and nominees, can be found on the website https://mediainprevention.org/en/media-center.html.

Winners of the IMFP 2017, Singapore 2017
Winners of the IMFP 2017, Singapore 2017