Regional Social Security Forum for the Americas

4 - 6 septembre 2023 |  San JoséCosta Rica

Regional Social Security Forum for the Americas

4 - 6 septembre 2023 |  San JoséCosta Rica


Message by Marcelo Abi-Ramia Caetano, Secretary General of the ISSA

Message by Marta Esquivel, Executive President, Social Insurance Fund of Costa Rica

Message by Rodrigo Ortiz D'Avila Assumpção, President of DATAPREV, Brazil

Message by Victorhugo Montoya Chávez, Chief Oficina Normalización Previsional, Peru

Message by Stewart K. Haynes, Director, National Insurance Services, St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Message by Raul Ruggia-Frick, Director, Social Security Development Branch of the ISSA