International High-Level Round Table on Mandatory Funded and Mixed Pension Schemes Development Prospects

28 septembre 2023 | AlmatyKazakhstan

International High-Level Round Table on Mandatory Funded and Mixed Pension Schemes Development Prospects

28 septembre 2023 | AlmatyKazakhstan

Summary video


Dr Mohammed Azman, President, International Social Security Association (ISSA)

Kroum Markov, Social Protection Policy Specialist, International Labour Organization (ILO)

Alejandro Bonilla-Garcia, President, Greycells – Association of Former International Civil Servants for Development (AFICSD)

Ariel Ferrari, Director, Social Insurance Bank, Uruguay

Michaela Grimm, Senior Economist, Allianz SE, Germany

Ambrogio Rinaldi, President, International Organization of Pension Supervisors (IOPS)

Guillaume Filhon, Senior Officer in Social Security, ISSA

Brian Lee-Archer, Independent Adviser on Social Security and Digital Transformation, Australia