Virtual Social Security Forum for the Americas

1–3 December 2021 |  Virtual


Virtual Social Security Forum for the Americas

1–3 December 2021 |  Virtual

Welcome to the Virtual Social Security Forum for the Americas, which will be hosted on a dedicated online platform from 1−3 December 2021.

The International Social Security Association (ISSA) is organizing the most important social security event in the region this year. The Virtual Forum will be a unique opportunity to share, learn and network for social security leaders and professionals in the Americas.


Featuring high-level speakers from social security institutions, as well as regional and international organizations, the Virtual Forum will put the spotlight on the key priorities, innovative solutions and strategic directions for social security and social security administration in the Americas.

The event will feature the following daily themes:

1 December

Social security in the Americas: Progress, challenges and solutions

2 December

Social security administration: Innovating for a stronger social security in the Americas
3 December
Strategies for meeting social security needs in the Americas

The agenda will include a presentation of the new ISSA report on Priorities for social security − Americas, and a special session celebrating achievements in social security administration in the region.

Networking and interaction

A dedicated online platform for the event will facilitate networking between delegates. Participants will be able to connect, send messages, schedule one-to-one meetings and interact with speakers and peers.


Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in English, Portuguese and Spanish, while documents and the online platform will be available in English and Spanish.