The industrial use of electricity has always been the driving force for our economic development. This ranges from energy supply to the social networks of modern communication, which would be inconceivable without electric current.
Electric current, however, can also present hazards if it is not applied safely. New technologies are emerging rapidly and are associated with new electrical risks. To ensure that people can work safely with these technologies we need to identify the new risks, develop best practices and prevention measures and implement them.
Initially the 4th International Symposium "Electricity and Safety in the 21st Century – New Technologies, Applications and Standards" was scheduled for June 2020 in Dresden. Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic the symposium will be held on 23 June 2021 as a virtual event.
This Symposium has the special motto: Not AC – Not DC: Special Aspects of Current Impulses and Discharges.
The event is intended for representatives from the research, industrial and standardization sector, but other interested individuals are welcome as well.
The Symposium is jointly organized by BG ETEM (German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the energy, textile, electrical and media products sectors), DKE (German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies of DIN and VDE) and the International Section of the ISSA for Electricity, Gas and Water.
Participation in the Symposium is free of charge. The Symposium language is English.
Please find the provisional event schedule here.
Date: 23 June 2021
Provisional Timetable: 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. (CEST / UTC +2)
Event Platform: Webex Events
Registration code: Electricity2021
The registration is open until 18 June 2021.