Accident rates on construction sites worldwide are still too high. The “Vision Zero” approach can help reduce the number of accidents.
Following up on the ISSA Construction symposia in Brussels (2009) and Boston (2012), the International Section of the ISSA on Prevention in the Construction Industry plans to hold another symposium in Berlin on the topic of “How to reach Vision Zero in Construction”.
Presentations will cover aspects like:
- Training and awareness building
- Accident prevention
- Occupational health
- Digitalization and innovation
In addition to general approaches, there will be a special emphasis on measures that apply to small and medium sized employers.
If you are working in occupational safety and health and/or in the implementation and supervision of construction projects, the symposium will provide you with information on current developments as well as plenty of opportunity to discuss health and safety issues with colleagues from all over the world. To register, use this form.
If you are interested to contribute to the programme, you are invited to submit your topics for presentations and posters – see the Call for Abstracts.
The International Section of the ISSA on Prevention in the Construction Industry was created over 50 years ago to identify and disseminate information about best practices in safety and health to the construction industry. Members of the section represent more than 20 countries from all parts of the world. For further information, please contact the General Secretariat of the Section.