Accidental falls continue to be the leading cause of injuries and fatalities in many industries, most especially in construction. Those who design or purchase active fall protection systems cannot rely solely on minimum requirements published in standards and regulations.
This seminar is intended to develop “Critical Thinking” to evaluate the choices that must me made about:
- what types of fall protection systems to purchase,
- the optimal equipment to be used,
- the level of training that the workers require
- the required collateral systems, including rescue
The seminar will develop critical thinking skills to help attendees recognize unsafe practices and to know how to improve the safety of active fall protection systems through:
- The steps to develop, implement and manage a fall protection program.
- The hierarchy of preferred fall protection solutions.
- Deeper understanding how fall protection equipment and systems actually work (and when they don’t work).
- Development of compliant, user friendly, economical fall protection systems.
- Proper specification for procurement of fall protection equipment and systems.
This seminar should be of interest to the following industries and organizations:
- Construction
- Energy exploration, production and distribution
- Transportation
- Telecommunication
- Military
- Regulators
- Architects, designers and installers of fall protection systems who serve the above industries.
It offers valuable insights for
- Safety personnel in every industry where fall hazards exist
- Managers and supervisors responsible for workers’ safety
- Fall protection equipment manufacturers
- Safety trainers
- Test engineers
Seminar language
Contact and registration
International Section of the ISSA on Prevention in the Construction Industry
BG BAU, Schwarzer Weg 3,
42117 Wuppertal, Germany
T: +49 202 398 8205
F: +49 800 668 6688 37230
E: [email protected]