
24th World Mining Congress

18 - 21 de octubre de 2016 | Rio de JaneiroBrasil


24th World Mining Congress

18 - 21 de octubre de 2016 | Rio de JaneiroBrasil

The World Mining Congress is a word mining event that takes place every 3 years. Lead by a secretariat with organisational status, it is associated with the United Nations and is located in the Central Mining Institute, in the city of Katowice, Poland. The event aims to promote and support, both technically and scientifically, the cooperation for the national and international development of mineral areas and resources; implement a global information network concerning mineral science, technology, economy, occupational health and safety and environmental protection.

More than 400 researchers from 34 countries have already confirmed their participation at the 24th edition of the World Mining Congress. Authors of approved summaries have until the 30th March to submit drafts.

ISSA Mining to promote Vision Zero at World Mining Congress 2016

ISSA Mining will share tried and tested methods to reach the ambitious aims of "Vision Zero" at the World Mining Congress 2016 in Rio de Janeiro, 18-21 October 2016. Vision Zero aims at a working world in which nobody is killed, falls gravely ill or is so seriously injured at work that their health is impaired for the rest of their life. ISSA Mining worked with large mining operators who accomplished to reach this aim and extracted tools and management methods easily to apply, suiting small companies as well. In a keynote presentation and in a dedicated session, ISSA Mining will show that "zero accidents" is a realistic aim in mining as well.