ISSA Webinar: Delivering social security in times of COVID‑19: Leveraging e‑services

16 de abril de 2020 |  Virtual

ISSA Webinar: Delivering social security in times of COVID‑19: Leveraging e‑services

16 de abril de 2020 |  Virtual

The ISSA Webinar Series on COVID-19

The coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis has disrupted life all around the world, and social security plays a key role in national responses to mitigate its social and economic impact. Coping with an increase in demand for social security benefits and services while implementing restrictions that significantly affect human resources, business processes and service delivery channels is a huge challenge for social security institutions.

To support the efforts of social security institutions and enable effective exchanges on approaches and lessons learnt, the ISSA has launched an online coronavirus monitor and a Webinar series on “Delivering social security in times of COVID-19”.

This Webinar: Delivering social security in times of COVID-19: Leveraging e-services

16 April 2020, 16:00-17:00 (UTC/GMT+2 or CEST)


Francisco Delgado Azuara Francisco Delgado Azuara, Chief of Unit, IT Department, National Social Security Institute, Spain
Volker Schörghofer Volker Schörghofer, Director, Austrian Social Insurance, Austria

As social distancing policies limit in person services, social security institutions increasingly rely on e-services to provide access to key social security benefits. In the current crisis, which has generated a large population requiring short-term benefits, the need for e-services and e-applications is specifically pronounced in the administration of sickness schemes, as well as in the health sector.

While many institutions had already developed e-services in the past years to respond to growing expectations for 24/7 services, the coronavirus crisis has required adaptations to existing systems and processes at unprecedented speed and scale. For other institutions, the closing of offices has created the urgent need to newly develop and open electronic service channels in very short time-frames.

This webinar in English will focus on how institutions are adapting customer service channels, and specifically e-services, in the COVID-19 context. It will examine the following questions:

  • What are the main service delivery challenges faced by social security institutions in the coronavirus context?
  • How are e-services being used to ensure the continuity of customer services?
  • What adaptations have been made and what new e-services have been developed since the beginning of the pandemic?
  • What are the key factors for a successful application of e-services in the current context?


  • Welcome
  • Technical introduction by the ISSA
  • Case experience of the National Social Security Institute,  Spain
  • Case experience of the Austrian Social Insurance Administration, Austria
  • Q&A – Discussion
  • Conclusions

Practical information

The Webinar is open to delegates of ISSA member organizations and invited institutions. There is no registration fee for ISSA members. Representatives of non-member institutions are requested to contact the ISSA General Secretariat for the terms and conditions of participation.