Section for Electricity, Gas and Water

ISSA Electricity Section hosts Turkish delegation from Elder

Section for Electricity, Gas and Water

ISSA Electricity Section hosts Turkish delegation from Elder

Between 6 and 10 June 2022, the ISSA Electricity Section and BG ETEM (German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the energy, textile and media products sectors) welcomed a delegation of the Association of Electricity Distribution System Operators (Elder) from Türkiye for a study visit to Dresden, Germany. The program included visits to the Centre for Electrical Education and Technology EBZ as well as to the education centres of the companies LTB and Sachsenenergie.

Elder is a non-governmental umbrella organization representing all electricity distribution companies in Türkiye. It carries out its activities in cooperation with public and private sector organizations on issues related to electricity distribution, and in accordance with the purpose of establishment within the scope of the association's statute. Elder is currently running a project titled “Development of Institutional Capacity of Elder and Enhancing the Public-CSO Dialogue in Electricity Distribution Sector” funded by the EU, through the 3rd Phase of Grant Scheme for Civil Society Support Programme (CSSP - III). An important goal of the project is to develop networks and cooperation with public and civil society stakeholders to enhance Occupational Health and Safety culture and practices for employers and employees in the electricity distribution sector through Public-CSO dialogue and civil society participation in the policy-development and decision-making processes.