Compliance and contribution collection constitute core functions within social security systems. In addition to the impact on system sustainability, wide population coverage cannot be achieved without appropriate and functioning contribution collection systems, which includes compliance and enforcement. Non-compliance and evasion have serious consequences for the level of protection of scheme members as well as the financial and social legitimacy of social security schemes. Therefore, compliance and a high collection rate must be key objectives for social security institutions administering schemes.
This International Seminar addressed the main issues concerning the implementation of effective and efficient compliance and contribution collection systems. In addition, the Seminar addressed the issues of combatting fraud, not only in contribution collection but also from a wider perspective, taking into account benefit-related processes.
The programme of the Seminar included three main themes:
- Compliance and contribution collection in social security, including the presentation of the ISSA Guidelines in this area.
- Fraud prevention and control in contribution collection, including the presentation of techniques and tools based on information and communication technologies.
- Fraud prevention and control in social security benefits, including a discussion on good practices in joint collaboration between benefits and contribution collection areas to combat fraud.