Good governance is central to the effective delivery of social security. In order to successfully implement good governance a suitable framework needs to be developed to monitor and control benefits, coverage, collection of contributions, investment of funds and overall administrative and financial management.
In 2011, the ISSA published Good Governance Guidelines for Social Security Institutions which covers a range of internal governance issues that are involved in the administration of social security programmes. It would appear that the concept of good governance is understood in different ways depending on the goals being pursued, the entities involved, as well as other criteria.
In the context of social security administration, the ISSA defines governance as "the manner in which the vested authority uses its powers to achieve the institutions objectives, including its powers to design, implement and innovate the organizations policies, rules, systems and processes, and to engage and involve its stakeholders. Good governance implies that the exercise of the vested authority is accountable, transparent, predictable, participative and dynamic".
This Seminar will provide an opportunity to exchange experiences and share current practices and reforms underway on this topical theme.