
Good Practices in Social Security


Good Practices in Social Security

ISSA Database of Good Practices

This database provides ISSA members with privileged access to good practices, showcasing creative, smart and innovative ways to overcome challenges of social security administration at the institutional, national or international levels. Explore, be inspired by, and learn from these hard-earned and well-deserved successes of the ISSA members. Learn more about the ISSA Good Practices.

The map shows the first 100 results for the selected criteria.

Implementation year:
Award Year:
National Employment Office , Belgium , Europe

The KDD tool (KDD stands for Knowledge Discovery in Databases) is an application developed by the data science team of the Central Control Service (CCS) of the National Employment Office (NEO). The tool was developed in cooperation with the social inspectors to (1) improve fraud detection, (2) be able to prepare and treat their investigations more efficiently and faster, (3) improve follow-up on their results for reporting purposes and (4) to improve the feedback cycle for the data science team so their fraud detection models can be ameliorated.

Governance and administration
Programme evaluation
Information and communication technology
Data analytics
Data management
Error, evasion and fraud
Implementation year:
Award Year:
Social Insurance Institution , Finland , Europe

Having easy access to accurate and up-to-date information on social security is important to all levels of government as well as the private sector and the media. The Social Insurance Institution (Kansaneläkelaitos) – Kela, as a key institution on social security in Finland, produces such information and wants to maximize its usability for interested parties. To achieve this strategic goal, a new web service, Kela’s Info Tray, was launched in September 2022.

Information and communication technology
Data analytics
Data management
Service quality
Implementation year:
Award Year:
Social Insurance Institution , Finland , Europe

We were predicting that a large number of persons who had fled the Russian aggression in Ukraine to Finland and are under temporary protection would become customers of the Social Insurance Institution (Kansaneläkelaitos – Kela) after residing in the country for one year and thus getting broader entitlement to Kela benefits. The risk was that our customer service would get strained by many new customers seeking assistance and that our benefits processing would get overloaded with a large number of new applications under a relatively short period.

Health insurance
Family benefits
Governance and administration
Extension of coverage
Difficult-to-cover groups
Service quality
Shocks & extreme events
Transparency of working rules
Implementation year:
Award Year:
German Federal Pension Insurance , Germany , Europe

The German Federal Pension Insurance (Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund – DRV Bund) has created an online German Pension Portal so users can access key administrative services (e.g., pensions, rehabilitation, insurance, and subsidized private pension plans) on any digital device. Users can log in and use the online services anywhere, at any time. Using a smartphone, tablet or computer, citizens can quickly, easily and securely file applications and find information on topics including pensions, electronic communication services and more.

Old-age pensions
Governance and administration
Technological transition
Service quality
One-stop shops
Implementation year:
Award Year:
German Social Accident Insurance , Germany , Europe

The German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the Construction Sector (Berufsgenossenschaft der Bauwirtschaft – BG BAU) recognizes the enormous potential of artificial intelligence (AI) for the public sector, and is playing a pioneering role in exploring its use in social insurance.

Occupational accidents and diseases
Prevention of occupational risks
Information and communication technology
Artificial intelligence
Labour protection
Implementation year:
Award Year:
Central Fund of Social Agricultural Mutual Benefit Societies , France , Europe

The main role of the Innovative Digital Factory (Fabrique Digitale Innovante – FDI) is to lead digital processes within the Central Fund of Social Agricultural Mutual Benefit Societies (Caisse centrale de la mutualité sociale agricole – CCMSA) network in France. It intervenes after the initial design processes or as soon as a need is identified relating to a particular area (health, family, retirement, corporate, etc.).

Health insurance
Family benefits
Old-age pensions
Innovation capacity
Information and communication technology
Service quality
Mutual benefit societies
Implementation year:
Award Year:
Central Fund of Social Agricultural Mutual Benefit Societies , France , Europe

A Knowledge management system is a system designed to facilitate the sharing and updating of knowledge, and to disseminate knowledge that may be unknown or dispersed throughout the organization.

Through the Essentiels portals, the Central Fund of Social Agricultural Mutual Benefit Societies (Caisse centrale de la mutualité sociale agricole – CCMSA) of France has adopted a system which focuses on the links between individual and collective skills, the application of legislation and the coordination of resulting actions.

Health insurance
Family benefits
Old-age pensions
Business process
Information and communication technology
Data management
Service quality
Mutual benefit societies
Implementation year:
Award Year:
Unédic (Unemployment Insurance) , France , Europe

Unédic (Unemployment Insurance) (Unédic (Assurance chômage)) in France launched its brand-new website on 18 October 2023. Accessibility has been put at the heart of the redesign, making information about Unédic and unemployment insurance even more accessible, in line with current regulation and standards, specifically for people with disabilities.

Information and communication technology
Transparency of working rules
Implementation year:
Award Year:
National Family Allowances Fund , France , Europe

Creating “user pathways” is central to strengthening access to rights for Family Branch users. It allows us to provide comprehensive support at specific key moments in users’ lives, such as having children and during a separation.

Health insurance
Family benefits
Extension of coverage
Service quality
One-stop shops
Demographic change
Social policies & programmes
Transparency of working rules
Implementation year:
Award Year:
National Employment Office , Belgium , Europe

Technical debt – the extra work and costs involved in correcting poorly designed or suboptimal source code – is an inevitable part of any Information Technology (IT) project.

Used sparingly, it is a way of delivering added value to clients more quickly. However, allowing technical debt to get out of control and ignoring the issues involved are the main causes of both short- and long-term failures of Information & Communication Technology (ICT) projects.

Human resource management
Business process
Information and communication technology
Technological transition
Service quality
Quality assessment